

我正在浏览 next.js 存储库,并注意到此功能使用tar从GitHub下载并提取模板:

I was browsing the next.js repository and noticed this function that downloads and extracts a template from GitHub, with tar:

export async function downloadAndExtractExample(
  root: string,
  name: string
): Promise<void> {
  return await promisePipe(
    tar.extract({ cwd: root, strip: 3 }, [`next.js-canary/examples/${name}`])


I searched on StackOverflow and I only found this:


That's a thread explaining how you can pull a tar.gz from GitHub, but there is no mention of the "codeload" subdomain. How is it different to "api"?


GitHub API提供了获取URL来下载档案的最佳方法.当您对该URL发出GET请求时,它将把您重定向到codeload.github.com上的URL. codeload是一项提供存档下载的服务,出于缓存原因,它位于自己的域中.

The GitHub API provides the best way to get a URL to download an archive. When you make a GET request on that URL, it will redirect you to a URL on codeload.github.com. codeload is the service which provides archives for download and it's on its own domain for caching reasons.

虽然可以直接使用代码加载URL,但您通常要使用API​​ URL,因为它可以更轻松地处理身份验证之类的事情,并且私有存储库的代码加载URL通常是短暂的.

While it's possible to use the codeload URL directly, you generally want to use the API URL, since it handles things like authentication more gracefully, and the codeload URLs for private repositories are generally ephemeral.


06-30 15:35