


I just got chance to work on Ethereum, block-chain based platform. But I don't have a clear idea in which scenarios this is used, any real life use of this.Could anybody help me understand blockchain based platform and its real life uses?


欢迎来到区块链世界.不要灰心,区块链领域相对较新&很难找到好的教程.一个月前,我还开始学习与区块链相关的技术.我想分享一些关于区块链和区块链的想法.以太坊(Ethereum).由于您的问题与Nodejs& amp; amp;不直接相关Javascript,我建议您先修改问题.

Welcome to blockchain world.Don't get demotivated, Blockchain area is relatively new & hard to find good tutorials.I also started learning blockchain related technologies a month ago & I would like to share some ideas about Blockchain & Ethereum.Since your question is not directly related to Nodejs & Javascript,I would like to suggest you modify the question first.


We all start as noobs, but we can choose to end as noobs or as professionals.

原始漫画可以在 http://ericsammons.com/what-is-the中找到-blockchain/

区块链,一种安全的分布式分类帐(数据结构或数据库),维护着不断增长的有序记录列表,称为块".请观看此youtube视频-区块链101-视觉演示,用于了解区块链的基础知识.这是对区块链背后概念的非常基本的视觉介绍.他介绍了使用交互式Web演示的不可变分类帐的想法.如果您有兴趣自己玩这个游戏,可以在以下网址在线获取: https://github.com/anders94/blockchain-demo

Blockchain, a secure distributed ledger (data structure or database) that maintains a continuously growing list of ordered records, called "blocks."Please watch this youtube video - Blockchain 101 - A Visual Demo to understand the basics of Blockchain.That is a very basic visual introduction to the concepts behind a blockchain. He introduces the idea of an immutable ledger using an interactive web demo. If you are interested in playing with this on your own, it is available online at:https://github.com/anders94/blockchain-demo


Blockchain was originally developed as the technology behind cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. A vast, globally distributed ledger running on millions of devices, it is capable of recording anything of value. Money, equities, bonds, titles, deeds, contracts, and virtually all other kinds of assets can be moved and stored securely, privately, and from peer to peer, because trust is established not by powerful intermediaries like banks and governments, but by network consensus, cryptography, collaboration, and clever code.You can learn more about Blockchain use cases from this TED talk.

以太坊(Ethereum),一种可用于开发去中心化应用程序的区块链.几家银行已经采用以太坊来开发和测试区块链交易应用程序.以太坊区块链是由加拿大人Vitalik Buterin开发的,该区块链具有一些非凡的功能.其中之一是您可以建立智能合约.听起来有点像.这是一个自我执行的合同,该合同负责执行,管理,履约和付款(从某种意义上说,合同也具有银行帐户),这些合同是人与人之间的协议.公司,微软,英特尔和其他两家公司已经联手开发标准和技术,以使企业更轻松地使用以太坊.

Ethereum, a type of blockchain that can be used to develop decentralized applications & several banks have already adapted Ethereum to develop and test blockchain trading applications. The Ethereum blockchain was developed by a Canadian named Vitalik Buterin and this blockchain has some extraordinary capabilities. One of them is that you can build smart contracts. It's kind of what it sounds like. It's a contract that self-executes, and the contract handles the enforcement, the management, performance and payment — the contract kind of has a bank account, too, in a sense — of agreements between people.Also, JPMorgan Chase & Co, Microsoft, Intel, and more than two dozen other companies have teamed up to develop standards and technology to make it easier for enterprises to Ethereum.

由于您正在使用NodeJ,因此请使用 Truffle 连接以太坊区块链网络.Truffle是一个开发环境,测试框架和以太坊的资产管道,旨在使以太坊开发人员的生活更加轻松.使用松露,您可以获得:

Since you are using NodeJs, use Truffle to connect your Ethereum blockchain network.Truffle is a development environment, testing framework and asset pipeline for Ethereum, aiming to make life as an Ethereum developer easier. With Truffle, you get:

  • 内置的智能合约编译,链接,部署和二进制管理.
  • 与Mocha和Chai进行的自动化合同测试.
  • 可配置的构建管道,支持自定义构建过程.
  • 可脚本部署的&迁移框架.
  • 用于部署到许多公共和网络的网络管理专用网络.
  • 用于直接合同通信的交互式控制台.
  • 在开发过程中立即重建资产.
  • 在Truffle环境中执行脚本的外部脚本运行器.

您可以在此处找到一个很棒的示例项目: https://github.com/tomw1808/truffle_eth_class1

You can find a great sample project here:https://github.com/tomw1808/truffle_eth_class1


You can find really good courses on Building A Decentralised Blockchain Application in Udemy.Please message me,if you need any further information.


08-20 14:39