

我想了解 vers (这是 O(logarithmic(n)))是一个ConcurrentDictionary只是一个并发同步实现a SortedList ?或这些数据结构是否不同?


ConcurrentDictionary< T,U> 并发版本字典< T,U> 。它不通过诸如 SortedList< T,U> 的键排序。复杂性与字典< T,U> 的复杂性密切相关,因此获取接近O(1)。

SortedList< T,U> 对于大多数提取操作具有O(log n)复杂度,因为它遍历内部排序结构。

I would like to understand the Computational Complexity of a ConcurrentDictionary vers SortedList (Which is O(logarithmic(n))), is a ConcurrentDictionary just a concurrent synchronized implementation of a SortedList? or do these data structures vary? among one another?


ConcurrentDictionary<T,U> is a concurrent version of a Dictionary<T,U>. It does not sort by keys like a SortedList<T,U>. The complexity is closely related to a Dictionary<T,U>'s complexity, so fetches approach O(1).

SortedList<T,U> has O(log n) complexity for most fetch operations since it's walking the internal sorted structure.


11-02 13:10