


I was looking for a quick and easy way to automatically send a file to my gmail for debugging purposes on multiple remote machines. However I am apparently having linking issues which I can't seem to solve.

我下载了 libquick 的win64 zip文件,IDE是CodeBlocks,编译目标是x64,在64位Windows 10上运行.

I downloaded the win64 zip file of libquick, IDE is CodeBlocks, compile target is x64 and running on 64-bit Windows 10.


There were 10 files that came in the zip folder, in lib/include/bin. They were

bin> libquickmail-0.dlllibquickmaillight-0.dllquickmaillight.exe.

包括> quickmail.h.

lib> libquickmail.alibquickmail.dll.alibquickmail.lalibquickmaillight.alibquickmaillight.dll.alibquickmaillight.la.

lib > libquickmail.a, libquickmail.dll.a, libquickmail.la, libquickmaillight.a, libquickmaillight.dll.a, libquickmaillight.la.

我链接到所有.a/.dll.a/.la.dll文件,它仍然给我这个错误:Code execution cannot proceed because libquickmail-0.dll was not found

I linked to all of the .a/.dll.a/.la and .dll files and it still gives me this error: Code execution cannot proceed because libquickmail-0.dll was not found


I have no idea what the problem is and am very open to ideas. Thank you for your time.


或者将libquickmail-0.dll复制到链接的可执行文件所在的目录中,或者将libquickmail bin目录添加到您的路径中.这将使Windows能够找到运行该可执行文件的DLL.

Either copy the libquickmail-0.dll to the same directory as your linked executable or add the libquickmail bin directory to your path. This will allow Windows to find the DLL to run the executable.


09-23 10:56