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🚀详情:图解自动驾驶中的运动规划(Motion Planning),附几十种规划算法

1 图解RRT*算法原理

RRT*算法针对传统RRT算法进行了渐进最优改进,在添加 x n e w x_{\mathrm{new}} xnew到搜索树的过程中进行重连选择(Rewire):构造以 x n e w x_{\mathrm{new}} xnew为圆心 r r r为优化半径的邻域圆,找到与 x n e w x_{\mathrm{new}} xnew连接后路径代价最小的点 x m i n x_{\mathrm{min}} xmin作为 x n e w x_{\mathrm{new}} xnew的父节点,而非直接将 x n e a r x_{\mathrm{near}} xnear x n e w x_{\mathrm{new}} xnew相连;与此同时也会优化圆内其他节点 x n x_n xn的代价——若路径

< x i n i t , ⋯   , x n > > < x i n i t , ⋯   , x n e w , x n > \left< x_{\mathrm{init}},\cdots ,x_{\mathrm{n}} \right> >\left< x_{\mathrm{init}},\cdots ,x_{\mathrm{new}},x_{\mathrm{n}} \right> xinit,,xn>xinit,,xnew,xn

则将 x n e w x_{\mathrm{new}} xnew重连为 x n x_n xn的父节点,如图所示。

路径规划 | 图解RRT*算法(附ROS C++/Python/Matlab仿真)-LMLPHP


路径规划 | 图解RRT*算法(附ROS C++/Python/Matlab仿真)-LMLPHP

其中碰撞检测算法 C o l l i s i o n F r e e ( ⋅ ) \mathrm{CollisionFree}\left( \cdot \right) CollisionFree()常用连线采样法,如图所示,计算概率路图中的连线 ( q , q ′ ) \left( q,q' \right) (q,q)是否合法需要考虑两个方面

  • 连线长度小于阈值 d ( q , q ′ ) < d max ⁡ \mathrm{d}\left( q,q' \right) <\mathrm{d}_{\max} d(q,q)<dmax d max ⁡ \mathrm{d}_{\max} dmax对无意义的长距离连线进行剪枝;
  • 连线不穿过障碍:在连线上按一定步长采样,判断是否存在落入障碍中的采样点。

路径规划 | 图解RRT*算法(附ROS C++/Python/Matlab仿真)-LMLPHP

2 ROS C++算法实现


Node RRTStar::_findNearestPoint(std::unordered_set<Node, NodeIdAsHash, compare_coordinates> list, Node& node)
  Node nearest_node, new_node(node);
  double min_dist = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();

  for (const auto node_ : list)
    // calculate distance
    double new_dist = _dist(node_, new_node);

    // update nearest node
    if (new_dist < min_dist)
      nearest_node = node_;
      new_node.pid_ = nearest_node.id_;
      new_node.g_ = new_dist + node_.g_;
      min_dist = new_dist;

  // distance longer than the threshold
  if (min_dist > max_dist_)
    // connect sample node and nearest node, then move the nearest node
    // forward to sample node with `max_distance` as result
    double theta = _angle(nearest_node, new_node);
    new_node.x_ = nearest_node.x_ + (int)(max_dist_ * cos(theta));
    new_node.y_ = nearest_node.y_ + (int)(max_dist_ * sin(theta));
    new_node.id_ = grid2Index(new_node.x_, new_node.y_);
    new_node.g_ = max_dist_ + nearest_node.g_;

  // obstacle check
  if (!_isAnyObstacleInPath(new_node, nearest_node))
    // rewire optimization
    for (auto node_ : sample_list_)
      // inside the optimization circle
      double new_dist = _dist(node_, new_node);
      if (new_dist < r_)
        double cost = node_.g_ + new_dist;
        // update new sample node's cost and parent
        if (new_node.g_ > cost)
          if (!_isAnyObstacleInPath(new_node, node_))
            new_node.pid_ = node_.id_;
            new_node.g_ = cost;
          // update nodes' cost inside the radius
          cost = new_node.g_ + new_dist;
          if (cost < node_.g_)
            if (!_isAnyObstacleInPath(new_node, node_))
              node_.pid_ = new_node.id_;
              node_.g_ = cost;
    new_node.id_ = -1;
  return new_node;

路径规划 | 图解RRT*算法(附ROS C++/Python/Matlab仿真)-LMLPHP

3 Python算法实现


def getNearest(self, node_list: list, node: Node) -> Node:
	Get the node from `node_list` that is nearest to `node` with optimization.
	node_list: list
	    exploring list
	node: Node
	    currently generated node
	node: Node
	    nearest node 
	node_new = super().getNearest(node_list, node)
	if node_new:
	    #  rewire optimization
	    for node_n in node_list:
	        #  inside the optimization circle
	        new_dist = self.dist(node_n, node_new)
	        if new_dist < self.r:
	            cost = node_n.g + new_dist
	            #  update new sample node's cost and parent
	            if node_new.g > cost and not self.isCollision(node_n, node_new):
	                node_new.parent = node_n.current
	                node_new.g = cost
	                #  update nodes' cost inside the radius
	                cost = node_new.g + new_dist
	                if node_n.g > cost and not self.isCollision(node_n, node_new):
	                    node_n.parent = node_new.current
	                    node_n.g = cost
	    return node_new
	    return None 

路径规划 | 图解RRT*算法(附ROS C++/Python/Matlab仿真)-LMLPHP

4 Matlab算法实现


function [new_node, flag] = get_nearest(node_list, node, map, param)
%@breif: Get the node from `node_list` that is nearest to `node`.
    flag = false;
    % find nearest neighbor
    dist_vector = dist(node_list(:, 1:2), node');
    [~, index] = min(dist_vector);
    node_near = node_list(index, :);

    % regular and generate new node
    distance = min(dist(node_near(1:2), node'), param.max_dist);
    theta = angle(node_near, node);
    new_node = [node_near(1) + distance * cos(theta), ...
                           node_near(2) + distance * sin(theta), ...
                           node_near(3) + distance, ...

    % obstacle check
    if is_collision(new_node(1:2), node_near(1:2), map, param)
    %  rewire optimization
    [node_num, ~] = size(node_list);
    for i=1:node_num
        node_n = node_list(i, :);
        %  inside the optimization circle
        new_dist = dist(node_n(1:2), new_node(1:2)');
        if new_dist < param.r
            cost = node_n(3) + new_dist;
            %  update new sample node's cost and parent
            if new_node(3) > cost && ~is_collision(new_node(1:2), node_n(1:2), map, param)
                new_node(4:5) = node_n(1:2);
                new_node(3) = cost;
                %  update nodes' cost inside the radius
                cost = new_node(3) + new_dist;
                if node_n(3) > cost && ~is_collision(new_node(1:2), node_n(1:2), map, param)
                    node_list(i, 4:5) = new_node(1:2);
                    node_list(i, 3) = cost;
    flag = true;

路径规划 | 图解RRT*算法(附ROS C++/Python/Matlab仿真)-LMLPHP

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05-29 10:31