
*我要为神圣的爱情 开个浪漫的舞会
我要原始自然感动 不要做作来面对
我用强大电波放送 用力打开妳心扉
只要心脏持续跳动 拥妳一夜也不累
Right there now , come on to say . . . . . . Come on to say . . . . . .
我要为神圣的爱情 开个浪漫的舞会
我要妳我尽情奔放 场地虽小无所谓
我用双手围成圆床 换来妳一夜沈醉
只要妳深情的看我 跳上整晚也不累
Right there now , come on to say . . . . . .
Come on to say . . . . . . * ( Repeat )
( Rap ) Pump to the party The party is movin'
Everybody jump , follow my command
To groove , move , jump to dance
To pump bust it baby let's sweat
So are ya gonna move it ?
No , I'm gonna pump it
My D.J. plays hyped - up misic
Gentlemen , ladies, girls and boys
people in the house come on say

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2024-06-14 05:51:33 1718315493