




这是我生成的VB proc的一部分,可生成我的报告使用的所有表的列表。报告在“报告表”中列出,我使用备注字段来存储所有已使用表的名称。一旦修改了表,就很容易更新所有请求的报告。

Public function tablesUsedByAReport(myReportName as string) as string
Dim m_report As CRAXDRT.Report, _
      m_crystal As CRAXDRT.Application, _
      m_tablesUsedByAReport As String

Dim m_table As CRAXDRT.DatabaseTable, _
      m_section As CRAXDRT.section, _
      m_objet As Object, _
      m_subReport As CRAXDRT.SubreportObject

Set m_crystal = New CRAXDRT.Application
Set m_rapport = m_crystal.OpenReport(m_nomRapport, 1)

'table names in the report'
For Each m_table In m_rapport.Database.tables
    m_tablesUsedByAReport = m_tablesUsedByAReport & m_table.location & ";"
Next m_table

'table names in each of the subreports'
For Each m_section In m_rapport.Sections
    For Each m_objet In m_section.ReportObjects
        If m_objet.Kind = crSubreportObject Then
            Set m_subReport = m_objet
            Set m_report = m_subReport.OpenSubreport
            For Each m_table In m_rapport.Database.tables
                m_tablesUsedByAReport = m_tablesUsedByAReport & m_table.location & ";"
           Next m_table
        End If
    Next m_objet
Next m_section

'my tables list'
tablesUsedByAReport = m_tablesUsedByAReport

End function

07-27 18:30