


<div id="container">
    <div id="left"></div>
    <div id="middle"></div>
    <div id="right">
        <img src="http://www.thegardenhelper.com/pixpg/graphics/sammy.jpg" />

/*You want to make sure the document is set to the fullscreen width*/
html, body {
    width  : 100%;
    height : 100%;
/*Set the container div to the full size of the document and set its position to something other than `static` so its children will take their position relatively from it*/
#container {
    width      : 100%;
    height     : 100%;
    position   : relative;
    background : black;
/*absolutely position the left column to be 200px wide*/
#left {
    position : absolute;
    left     : 0px;
    top      : 0px;
    width    : 200px;
    height   : 100%;
/*absolutely position the middle column to be 500px wide and start 200px from the left*/
#middle {
    position   : absolute;
    left       : 200px;
    top        : 0px;
    width      : 500px;
    height     : 100%;
    background : blue;
/*absolutely position the right column to take the rest of the page starting from 700px from the left*/
#right {
    position   : absolute;
    left       : 700px;
    top        : 0px;
    right      : 0px;
    height     : 100%;
    background : red;
/*set the image to 100% height and width to fill its container (#right)*/
/*alternatively you can set the width of the image to `auto` so it will scale with the aspect ratio intact but still take-up 100% of the page's height*/
#right > img {
    width  : 100%;
    height : 100%;
    border : none;


10-06 11:43