


I have created a JMeter functional test that essentially:

  1. 创建用户;
  2. 使用用户登录;
  3. 删除用户.


Now, I need to be able to thread this, and dynamically generate a username with a default prefix and a numerically incremented suffix (ie TestUser_1, TestUser_2, ... etc).


I used the counter, and things were working fine until I really punched up the number of threads/loops. When I did this, I was getting a conflict with the counter. Some threads were trying to read the counter, but the counter had already been incremented by another thread. This resulted in trying to delete a thread that was just created, then trying to log in with a thread that was just deleted.


Test Plan
    Thread group
        User Defined Variables


I was hoping to solve this problem by using the counter to append a number to the user defined variables upon thread execution, but the counter cannot be accessed in the user defined variables.


Any ideas on how I can solve this problem?




I've used the following scheme successfully with any amount of test users:

1.使用beanshell脚本生成(在 BeanShell中采样器(例如)带有测试用户详细信息的csv文件,例如:

1. Generate using beanshell-script (in BeanShell Sampler e.g.) csv-file with test-user details, for example:

. . .

此操作在 setUp中的单独线程组中,每个"N个用户测试运行"都完成一次.线程组,甚至在单独的jmx脚本中……都没有区别.

with the amount of entries you need for the test-run.
This is done once per "N users test-run", in separate Thread Group, in setUp Thread Group or maybe even in separate jmx-script... makes no difference.


You can please find working beanshell-code below.


2. Create your test users IN TEST APPLICATION using previously created users-list.
If you don't need create in application you may skip this.

    Thread Group
    Number of Threads = 1   
    Loop Count = 1
        . . .
        While Controller
        Condition = ${__javaScript("${newUserName}"!="",)}  // this will repeat until EOF
            CSV Data Set Config
            Filename = ${__property(user.dir)}${__BeanShell(File.separator,)}${__P(users-list,)}    // path to generated users-list
            Variable Names = newUserName,newUserPwd    // these are test-users details read from file into pointed variables
            Delimiter = '
            Recycle on EOF? = False
            Stop thread on EOF? = True
            Sharing Mode = Current thread group

            [CREATE TEST USERS LOGIC HERE]  // here are actions to create separate user in application
                . . .


3. Perform multi-user logic.Schema like the given above one but Thread Group executed not for 1 but for N threads.

    Thread Group
    Number of Threads = ${__P(usersCount,)}    // set number of users you need to test
    Ramp-Up Period = ${__P(rampUpPeriod,)}  
    Loop Count = X
        . . .
        While Controller
        Condition = ${__javaScript("${newUserName}"!="",)}  // this will repeat until EOF
            CSV Data Set Config
            Filename = ${__property(user.dir)}${__BeanShell(File.separator,)}${__P(users-list,)}    // path to generated users-list
            Variable Names = newUserName,newUserPwd    // these are test-users details read from file into pointed variables
            Delimiter = '
            Recycle on EOF? = False
            Stop thread on EOF? = True
            Sharing Mode = Current thread group

            [TEST LOGIC HERE]  // here are test actions
                . . .

关键思想是使用线程组+ While控制器+ CSV数据集配置组合:

The key idea is in using Thread Group + While Controller + CSV Data Set Config combination:

3.1. CSV数据集配置从生成的文件中读取每个测试用户的详细信息:
. . .一种.仅一次-由于在EOF上停止线程?= True";
. . . b.不会阻止文件进行进一步访问(例如,在其他线程组中,如果有的话)-因为共享模式=当前线程组";
. . . C.指向变量-变量名称= newUserName,newUserPwd"-您将在进一步的测试操作中使用该变量;
3.3.线程组将以定义的加速启动所有线程-如果加速= 0,则同时启动.

3.1. CSV Data Set Config reads details for each the test users from generated file:
. . . a. only once - because of "Stop thread on EOF? = True";
. . . b. doesn't block file for further access (in another thread groups, e.g., if there are any) - because of "Sharing Mode = Current thread group";
. . . c. pointed variables - "Variable Names = newUserName,newUserPwd" - you will use in further test-actions;
3.2. While Controller forces CSV Data Set Config to read all the entries from generated file - because of defined condition (until the EOF).
3.3. Thread Group will start all the threads with defined ramp-up - or simultaneously if ramp-up = 0.

您可以在此处获取所描述架构的模板脚本: multiuser.jmx .

You can take here template script for described schema: multiuser.jmx.


Beanshell script to generate test-users details looks like below and takes the following args:
- test-users count
- test-user name template ("TestUser_" in your case)
- test-user name format (e.g. 0 - to get TestUser_1, 00 - to get TestUser_01, 000- for TestUser_001, etc... you can simply hardcode this orexclude at all)
- name of generated file.

import java.text.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

String [] params = Parameters.split(",");

int count = Integer.valueOf(params[0]);
String testName = params[1];
String nameFormat = params[2];
String usersList = params[3];

StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder();

try {
    DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat(nameFormat);
    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator + usersList);

    for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) {
        String s = formatter.format(i);
        String testUser = testName + s;

        if (i < count) {

    byte [] buffer = contents.toString().getBytes();    

catch (Exception ex) {
    IsSuccess = false;
catch (Throwable thex) {



Sorry if answer is too overloaded.
Hope this helps.


09-26 21:08