

我有一个使用Executor框架的Java应用程序,并且我的代码看起来像这样protected ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutorService = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(5)

I have a Java application that uses the Executor framework and I have code that looks like thisprotected ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutorService = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(5)


My understanding is that internally the JVM would create a pool of 5 threads. Now when I check the execution in a profiler, I get something like thread-pool2,thread-pool3 and so on.

Some of these thread pools are created by the server and some are created by me我需要一种方法来区分由我创建的和由服务器创建的.


I am thinking that if I can name the thread pools it should do the trick, however do not see any API which would allow me to do the same.



您可以传递自己的 ThreadFactory ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor .您的ThreadFactory将创建线程,并可以为其指定任何名称.您的ThreadFactory还可以重用执行器. defaultThreadFactory(),并且仅在返回线程之前更改名称.

You can pass your own ThreadFactory to ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor. Your ThreadFactory will create thread and can give it any name you want. Your ThreadFactory can also reuse Executors.defaultThreadFactory(), and only change the name before returning the thread.


06-01 01:04