


I'm trying to build several variables to be used later, each representing a specific array from within a series of nested arrays (basically a data array being used for several projects).


When I get to the selection of the array I need using map(), I get the new array containing undefined in each of the other parts of the array I wasn't mapping. This makes sense of course because the array still had the space indexed, the specific values there just weren't mapped. Where I'm struggling though is cleaning up that new array to remove those undefined entries. I'm trying to use filter(), but I'm open to alternative methods. Regardless of which method, I cannot eliminate all falsy values as some of these will need to be included. I only need to remove undefined entries.

var data = {
  "cert_stat": [{
      Month: "Nov-2015",
      loOP_Percent_Cert: 87.1,
      loOP_Percent_Exp: 9.7,
      loOP_Percent_None: 3.2,
      doW_R_Percent_Cert: 62.7,
      doW_R_Percent_Exp: 20.2,
      doW_R_Percent_None: 17.3
      Month: "Feb-2016",
      loOP_Percent_Cert: 83.9,
      loOP_Percent_Exp: 19.9,
      loOP_Percent_None: 3.2,
      doW_R_Percent_Cert: 61.1,
      doW_R_Percent_Exp: 22.2,
      doW_R_Percent_None: 16.7
  "reg_pk_xp": [{
      "Quarter": "Y1Q1",
      "Question_5": [{
          "Yes": 66
          "No": 7
          "Not Sure": 28
          "Total": 101
      "Question_6": [{
          "Yes": 66
          "No": 7
          "Not Sure": 28
          "Total": 101
      "Quarter": "Y1Q2",
      "Question_5": [{
        "Yes": 30
      }, {
        "No": 5
      }, {
        "Not Sure": 13
      }, {
        "Total": 48
      "Question_6": [{
        "Yes": 30
      }, {
        "No": 5
      }, {
        "Not Sure": 13
      }, {
        "Total": 48

var q5_yes = data.reg_pk_xp.map(function(e) {
  return e.Question_5.map(function(e) {
    return e.Yes;
console.log("Question_5 YES with UNDEF entries", q5_yes);

var q5_yes_filtered = q5_yes.filter(function(val) {
  return val !== undefined;
console.log("Question_5 YES only", q5_yes_filtered);

document.getElementById("test").innerHTML = data.reg_pk_xp.map(function(e) {
  return e.Question_5.map(function(e) {
    return e.Yes;
      /PREVIOUS TESTS           */

q5_yes = q5_yes.filter(function(e) {
  return e !== undefined;
document.getElementById("test").innerHTML = q5_yes;
<!DOCTYPE html>

  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <title>TEST FILE</title>

  <div id="test">TEST</div>
  <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.js" integrity="sha256-2Kok7MbOyxpgUVvAk/HJ2jigOSYS2auK4Pfzbm7uH60=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
  <script src="data.js"></script>
  <!--data.js file is normally a seperate, but local file-->



I'm thinking that the filter() method isn't acting where I think it is (on the q5_yes array), but I can't figure it out.



The filter isn't working because q5_yes is a 2-dimensional array, and the undefined elements are in the nested arrays. But you're filtering the top-level array.

var data = {
  "reg_pk_xp": [{
      "Quarter": "Y1Q1",
      "Question_5": [{
          "Yes": 66
          "No": 7
          "Not Sure": 28
          "Total": 101
      "Question_6": [{
          "Yes": 66
          "No": 7
          "Not Sure": 28
          "Total": 101
      "Quarter": "Y1Q2",
      "Question_5": [{
        "Yes": 30
      }, {
        "No": 5
      }, {
        "Not Sure": 13
      }, {
        "Total": 48
      "Question_6": [{
        "Yes": 30
      }, {
        "No": 5
      }, {
        "Not Sure": 13
      }, {
        "Total": 48
      "Quarter": "Y1Q3",
      "Question_5": [{
        "Yes": 32
      }, {
        "No": 1
      }, {
        "Not Sure": 20
      }, {
        "Total": 53
      "Question_6": [{
        "Yes": 21
      }, {
        "No": 9
      }, {
        "Not Sure": 23
      }, {
        "Total": 53
      "Quarter": "Y1Q4",
      "Question_5": [{
        "Yes": 79
      }, {
        "No": 7
      }, {
        "Not Sure": 12
      }, {
        "Total": 98
      "Question_6": [{
        "Yes": 71
      }, {
        "No": 13
      }, {
        "Not Sure": 14
      }, {
        "Total": 98
      "Quarter": "Y2Q1",
      "Question_5": [{
        "Yes": 88
      }, {
        "No": 5
      }, {
        "Not Sure": 17
      }, {
        "Total": 110
      "Question_6": [{
        "Yes": 60
      }, {
        "No": 33
      }, {
        "Not Sure": 17
      }, {
        "Total": 110
      "Quarter": "Y2Q2",
      "Question_5": [{
        "Yes": 94
      }, {
        "No": 9
      }, {
        "Not Sure": 14
      }, {
        "Total": 117
      "Question_6": [{
        "Yes": 76
      }, {
        "No": 26
      }, {
        "Not Sure": 15
      }, {
        "Total": 117
      "Quarter": "Y2Q3",
      "Question_5": [{
        "Yes": 38
      }, {
        "No": 5
      }, {
        "Not Sure": 14
      }, {
        "Total": 57
      "Question_6": [{
        "Yes": 23
      }, {
        "No": 23
      }, {
        "Not Sure": 11
      }, {
        "Total": 57
      "Quarter": "Y2Q4",
      "Question_5": [{
        "Yes": 48
      }, {
        "No": 2
      }, {
        "Not Sure": 12
      }, {
        "Total": 62
      "Question_6": [{
        "Yes": 36
      }, {
        "No": 12
      }, {
        "Not Sure": 14
      }, {
        "Total": 62
      "Quarter": "Y3Q1",
      "Question_5": [{
        "Yes": 90
      }, {
        "No": 2
      }, {
        "Not Sure": 19
      }, {
        "Total": 111
      "Question_6": [{
        "Yes": 62
      }, {
        "No": 32
      }, {
        "Not Sure": 17
      }, {
        "Total": 111
      "Quarter": "Y3Q2",
      "Question_5": [{
        "Yes": 55
      }, {
        "No": 3
      }, {
        "Not Sure": 19
      }, {
        "Total": 77
      "Question_6": [{
        "Yes": 41
      }, {
        "No": 27
      }, {
        "Not Sure": 9
      }, {
        "Total": 77
      "Quarter": "Y3Q3",
      "Question_5": [{
        "Yes": 43
      }, {
        "No": 2
      }, {
        "Not Sure": 12
      }, {
        "Total": 57
      "Question_6": [{
        "Yes": 29
      }, {
        "No": 12
      }, {
        "Not Sure": 16
      }, {
        "Total": 57
      "Quarter": "Y3Q4",
      "Question_5": [{
        "Yes": 40
      }, {
        "No": 5
      }, {
        "Not Sure": 18
      }, {
        "Total": 63
      "Question_6": [{
        "Yes": 27
      }, {
        "No": 15
      }, {
        "Not Sure": 21
      }, {
        "Total": 63
      "Quarter": "Y4Q1",
      "Question_5": [{
        "Yes": 77
      }, {
        "No": 8
      }, {
        "Not Sure": 32
      }, {
        "Total": 117
      "Question_6": [{
        "Yes": 51
      }, {
        "No": 41
      }, {
        "Not Sure": 25
      }, {
        "Total": 117
      "Quarter": "Current contract to present", // Present: Y4Q1, 8/13/18
      "Question_5": [{
        "Yes": 780
      }, {
        "No": 61
      }, {
        "Not Sure": 230
      }, {
        "Total": 1071
      "Question_6": [{
        "Yes": 562
      }, {
        "No": 290
      }, {
        "Not Sure": 219
      }, {
        "Total": 1071
      "Quarter": "Lifetime data to present", // Present: Y4Q1, 8/13/18
      "Question_5": [{
        "Yes": 2409
      }, {
        "No": 297
      }, {
        "Not Sure": 658
      }, {
        "Total": 3364
      "Question_6": [{
        "Yes": 1743
      }, {
        "No": 1047
      }, {
        "Not Sure": 574
      }, {
        "Total": 3364

var q5_yes = data.reg_pk_xp.map(function(e) {
  return e.Question_5.map(function(e) {
    return e.Yes;

var q5_yes_filtered = q5_yes.map(function(subarray) {
  return subarray.filter(function(val) {
    return val !== undefined;
console.log("Question_5 YES only", q5_yes_filtered);


10-31 21:48