


class TemplatePart
    public PartStock stock {get; set;}
    ...other POCOs

class PartStock
    public Part part {get; set;}
    ...other POCOs

class Part
    public PartName name {get; set;}
    ...other POCOs

现在,假设我已经有一个 TemplatePart 的实体.我可以这样做:

Now, suppose I already have an entity for a TemplatePart. I can do this:

var entry = context.Entry(templatePart);
entry.Reference(x => x.PartStock).Load();

这将加载 PartStock 的导航属性.但是我该怎么做:

That would load the navigation property for the PartStock. But how do I do this:

entry.Reference(x => x.PartStock.Part).Load();


是否有其他替代方法仍然使用我已经拥有的 entry ?如果不需要,我不想使用 Include 重新加载整个事情.

Is there some alternative to this that still uses the entry I already have? I don't want to have to reload the whole thing again using Include if I don't have to.

我正在使用EntityFramework Core 2.

I am using EntityFramework Core 2.


可以直接使用 Query()的组合来代替直接调用 Load 方法> Include / ThenInclude Load 方法:

Instead of directly calling Load method, you could use a combination of Query(), Include / ThenInclude and Load methods:

entry.Reference(x => x.PartStock)
    .Include(x => x.Part)


10-24 13:15