







I understand that in a managed language like Java or C# there is this thing called a garbage collector that every once in a while checks to see if there are any object instances that are no longer referenced, and thus are completely orphaned, and clears then out of memory. But if two objects are not referenced by any variable in a program, but reference each other (like an event subscription), the garbage collector will see this reference and not clear the objects from memory.

Why is this? Why can't the garbage collector figure out that neither of the objects can be reference by any active part of the running program and dispose them.


Your presumption is incorrect. If the GC 'sees' (see below) a cyclic reference of 2 or more objects (during the 'Mark' phase) but are not referenced by any other objects or permanent GC handles (strong references), those objects will be collected (during the 'Sweep' phase).

An in-depth look at the CLR garbage collector can be found in this MSDN article and in this blog post.

Note: In fact, the GC doesn't even 'see' these types of objects during the mark phase since they are unreachable, and hence get collected during a sweep.


10-22 19:44