本文介绍了吊舱(在Replication Controller中)中的短暂kubernetes容器(/sidekick)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have a ReplicationController containing two containers in a pod, the first is a long-living pod, the second does a few maintenance tasks when the RC starts up a POD. However as the second container is short lived, it stops itself when it finishes its start tasks.When Kuberbetes notices this, it kills off the POD and starts a new one...


What is the correct way to handle this in Kuberbetes?



As you already noticed, by design all containers in a pod are destined to live and die together. It's a bit hard to tell what your best alternative would be without knowing what kind of maintenance task your sidekick needs to perform exactly. Generally speaking, I can think of three approaches:

  1. 保持维护容器运行.这可能是一个相当丑陋的解决方案,因为它浪费了资源.只有维护任务可以从定期运行中受益才真正有意义.

  1. Keep your maintenance container running. This is probably a fairly ugly solution as it wastes resources. It really only makes sense if the maintenance task can benefit from running periodically.


Move the maintenance task over to your primary container, effectively converting your multi-container pod into a single-container one. I assume that you can run the task asynchronously (as you would already be able to run it in a separate container); if, for some reasons, you cannot, consider modifying readiness and liveness probes accordingly so that your container is given enough time to finish any boot-up procedures before becoming eligible for termination.


Consider adjusting your design so that the maintenance task may run as a separate pod (or maybe even as a job). You'd then need to manage any dependencies and wiring yourself by putting together Kubernetes primitives properly.

这篇关于吊舱(在Replication Controller中)中的短暂kubernetes容器(/sidekick)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-01 20:07