


  aescipher = AES.new(mykey,AES.MODE_ECB)

c> mykey 是列表并包含 [1885434739,825373440,0,0] mykey 转换为

AES.new function?


AES密钥。原始键字节通常使用 keysize / 8 字节的字节数组提供。对于AES,支持的唯一键大小分别为128,192和256位或16,24和32字节。


I'm attempting to generate an AES key with Pycrypto but receive the following error:

for the following statement:

aescipher = AES.new(mykey, AES.MODE_ECB)

mykey, is of type list and contains [1885434739, 825373440, 0, 0]

Does anyone know how I can convert mykey into the correct type for the AES.new function?


You should not supply any kind of list/array when creating an AES key. The raw key bytes are normally supplied using a byte array of keysize / 8 bytes. For AES, the only key sizes that are supported are 128, 192 and 256 bits or 16, 24 and 32 bytes respectively.

Note that padding keys until they fit may lead to major cryptographic vulnerabilities. So is using ECB mode instead of a more secure mode like CBC (or one that also provides authentication/integrity protection such as GCM of course).


10-19 18:19