本文介绍了无法激活Windows Tailored Application - 使用空白标准模板没有任何更改的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在我从我的USB记忆棒复制了一个项目文件夹后,Visual Studio 11开始给我这个,当我使用Windows 8重新安装时,我首先保存了该文件夹


无法激活Windows Tailored应用程序






更新:唯一可用的Metro应用程序是IE和控制面板......导致"消息过滤器取消了呼叫"的原因。 ?

---- Alecs


Visual Studio 11 started giving me this after I copied a project folder from my USB stick which I previosly saved when I had Windows 8 Reseted

Full error says:

Unable to activate Windows Tailored application


Call was canceled by the message filter.

...It happens with running a blank application too nothing works...

If I start the app from outside Visual it starts shows the splash screen and after a while it closes The Weather app is behaving the same... I think it's something wrong with Metro

UPDATE: The only working Metro apps are IE and Control Panel... what causes "Call was canceled by the message filter." ?



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09-17 19:21