


I want to write a method in C# to generate a random number with gaussian distributes in range [0:1] ( and in advance in [0-x] ) .I found this code but not work correctly

Random rand = new Random(); //reuse this if you are generating many
double u1 = rand.NextDouble(); //these are uniform(0,1) random doubles
double u2 = rand.NextDouble();
double randStdNormal = Math.Abs( Math.Sqrt(-2.0 * Math.Log(u1)) * 
                                 Math.Sin(2.0 * Math.PI * u2));



I wrote a blog post on how to generate random numbers with any given distribution:



Summing up, the algorithm you want is:

  1. 计算出所需的概率分布函数,以使曲线的一部分下方的面积等于在该范围内随机生成值的概率.
  2. 对概率分布进行积分以确定累积分布.
  3. 求逆累积分布以得到分位数函数.
  4. 通过分位数功能运行它来转换(0,1)上均匀分布的随机数据.
  1. Work out the desired probability distribution function such that the area under a portion of the curve is equal to the probability of a value being randomly generated in that range.
  2. Integrate the probability distribution to determine the cumulative distribution.
  3. Invert the cumulative distribution to get the quantile function.
  4. Transform your uniformly-distributed-over-(0,1) random data by running it through the quantile function.


Of course if you already know the quantile function for your desired distribution then you don't need to do steps one through three.


09-22 07:43