


I will now close this thead (I think there will be no more feedback) and try to summarize what I understood

  1. 使用上下文作为我策略的参数引入了紧密的耦合,应该避免并且也可能迫使我公开可能应该隐藏在类中的属性。

  2. 为了最大程度地减少耦合,最好提供所需的值,或者至少对接口使用接口而不是具体类型。


I'm trying to get a clear overview of the strategy pattern and I'm asking myself if it is a good or bad design to have the strategy depends on the context.


Let's take the following classical implementation

//The strategy
interface IStrategy  
  void Execute();  

class ConcreteStrategyA : IStrategy
  public void Execute()
    Console.WriteLine( "Called ConcreteStrategyA.Execute()" );

class ConcreteStrategyB : IStrategy
  public void Execute()
    Console.WriteLine( "Called ConcreteStrategyB.Execute()" );

//The context
class Context
  IStrategy strategy;

  // Constructor
  public Context(IStrategy strategy)
    this.strategy = strategy;

  public void UpdateContext(IStrategy strategy)
    this.strategy = strategy;

  public void Execute()


All examples I have seen have pretty simple strategies that take basic arguments (integers for example). What I would like to know is if there is something wrong if the strategy uses the Context to do the work.


//The strategy
interface IStrategy  
  void Execute(Context arg);  


//The context
class Context

  public void Execute()


Is this "coupling" to be avoided? Is it ok?


我看到的一个问题是,具体的 Context之间存在紧密的耦合类和Strategy类的实例。这意味着Strategy类只能与Context类一起使用。规避此问题的一种方法是使策略类依赖(或使用)上下文类将实现的接口。

One issue I see with your approach is that there would a tight coupling between the concrete Context class and the instances of the Strategy classes. This would imply that the Strategy classes can be used only with the Context class . One way to circumvent this is that to make your strategy classes dependent (or use) an interface that the 'Context' class would implement.


EDITAlso when the Strategy classes have an instance of Context class, these classes have to get the explicitly data from the Context class. This would mean adding getters (as necessary) in the Context class for strategy classes to get the data they need. But adding getters is not necessarily a good OO practice as more getters pose the risk of breaking the encapsulation.


An alternative you can think of is to not pass the reference (this) of Context class to the method(s) in strategy class but to pass only the needed data to the Strategy class.


For example if the Context class is something like this: (the code is in Java)

Context {
   IStrategy strategy;
   List<Integer> scores;

   public Context(IStrategy strategy)
        this.strategy = strategy;
        scores = new ArrayList<Integer>

   public print() {

public interface IStrategy<Integer> {
    public void sort(List<Integer> l);

另外,在定义Strategy类时可以使用通用方法,这样 sort 方法不仅适用于Integer,而且适用于通用类型。

In the above code the Strategy class operates on a generic Integer list and is not particularly bound to be used with the Context class.Also taking further one can use a generic method while defining the Strategy class so that sort method is not just applicable to Integers but also to generic types.


09-23 00:17