



  • 社交网络(Facebook,MySpace,...),

  • 通用服务(RSS,邮件,Twitter ...),

  • 社交书签(Digg,Delicious ...),

  • 聊天(MSN,AOL ...),

  • ...

使用MVC和Observer / Observable设计模式来进行模型(TApp_Core)与用户界面之间的交互。




  • 你认为当前的软件设计是对的?

  • 目前,所有软件目前只有一个线程...为每个服务请求创建一个新线程会更好吗?

  • 将所有View / Controller与模型的每个部分链接起来似乎很困难,这是正常的,它需要这么多的工作?
    Ex :要发送一个消息,例如使用Twitter,它将需要:

    • 将控制器(按钮)附加到TApp_Core.TMicrobloggingServices_Core.TTwiter对象(模型)

    • 等待用户点击按钮

    • 向TTwiter(型号)发送消息

    • 创建线程将请求发送到服务器

    • 从服务器解析响应

    • 执行回调以通知请求已被执行,获得结果

    • 免费线程

  • 如果我使用以前的想法,不会创建太多的线程,使计算机变得越来越不负责任了吗?除了,如果我实现一个线程池(但使用它是相当复杂的)。

  • SQLite 3是否足够好存储客户端上的所有数据? (数据可以是邮件,rss feed等,所以它可以是相当多的数据与时间)。



可能没有客观的正确设计 - 只有更好或更差的设计。 :)看起来你是在正确的轨道上,但我建议你保持你的GUI和视图与后端服务脱钩。例如:


所以 View 只知道如何渲染东西(即IM消息,网页内容或其他)将请求从用户传递到控制器控制器服务收到通知,并更新查看服务什么也不知道前端(所以它可以是脚本,这是非常有用的),只是实现与网络服务通话所需的协议。您将为每个不同的后端系统分配一组这三个类,以及在全球范围内管理应用程序的整体控制器。

看起来很难将所有View / Controller与模型的每个部分进行链接


鉴于所有服务都是基于网络的,您需要保持阻塞I / O调用(例如套接字读取)阻止你的主GUI线程。因此,您需要在一个线程上使用完全异步I / O(不太常见),或者为每个网络会话使用单独的线程(最常见的方法)。我不建议为每个单独的请求产生一个新的线程,但是对于整个会话。您将需要小心避免通常的线程问题,比如竞争条件和死锁(本主题可能会填写一本书)。线程需要将消息发回GUI进行通知,因为您无法从另一个线程的上下文更新GUI。





I've got a few questions about the architecture of a software that I'm working on !

So basically, this software allow the user to access to some popular sites :

  • Social networks (Facebook, MySpace, ...),
  • Common services (RSS, Mails, Twitter...),
  • Social bookmarkings (Digg, Delicious...),
  • Chats (MSN, AOL...),
  • ...

Currently the architecture looks like this :Use of MVC and Observer/Observable design patterns for interaction between the model (TApp_Core) and the user interface.

  TDelicious (implement IBookmarkingServices) 
  TDigg (implement IBookmarkingServices) 
  etc... (implement IBookmarkingServices) 
  TMSN (implement IChatServices) 
  TGoogleChat (implement IChatServices) 
  TAOLChat (implement IChatServices) 

So the software create an instance of TApp_Core and then depending on the user's choice, it creates some instances of other services (ex : App_Core.BookmarkingServices_Core.AddServices(Digg, User, Password);).

Some questions !

  • Do you think that the current software design is right ?
  • There is currently only one thread for all the software... Is creating a new thread for each request to a service would be better ? (for example the TDigg receive a message from a button, it creates a thread which will create a TidHTTP, generate the request to the server, wait for the response, parse the response, send a message to each observer (callback) and then free the thread.
  • It seems very hard to link all View/Controller with each part of the model, is that normal that it requires so much works ?Ex : to send a message for example using with Twitter, it would require to :
    • Attach a controller (button) to a TApp_Core.TMicrobloggingServices_Core.TTwiter object (model)
    • wait the user to click on the button
    • Send a message to TTwiter (the model)
    • Create a thread to send the request to the server
    • Parse the response from the server
    • Execute callbacks to notify that the request has been executed and to give the result
    • Free the thread
  • If I use the previous idea, won't it create too much threads and make the computer slow and less responsible ? Except, if I implement a thread pool (but it's quite complex to use it).
  • Does SQLite 3 is good enough to store all data on the client ? (data can be mails, rss feed, etc... so it can be quite a lot of data with times).

Thanks and sorry for my bad English !


There is probably not an objectively "right" design - there are only better or worse designs. :) It looks like you're on the right track, but I would suggest you keep your GUI and views decoupled from the back-end services. For example:

     View --- Controller --- Service

So the View only knows how to render things (ie. IM messages, web content, or whatever) and passes requests from the user to the Controller. The Controller receives notifications from the Service, and updates the View. The Service knows nothing of the front-end (so it could be scriptable, which is very useful) and just implements the protocol required to talk to the network service. You would have a separate set of these three classes for each distinct back-end system, and an overall controller to manage the app at a global level.

Probably, yes - you are attempting a non-trivial application. I assume you're using an MVC-style architecture. It may require more work up front to properly decouple things, but it is definitely worth it. The more complex your application, the more you will benefit from layering and decoupling.

Given all the services are network-based, you need to keep the blocking I/O calls (such as socket reads) from blocking your main GUI thread. So you either need to use fully async I/O with callbacks on one thread (not very common), or have a separate thread for each network session (the most common approach). I would not recommend spawning a new thread for every separate request, but for an entire session. You will need to be careful to avoid the usual threading issues, such as race conditions and deadlocks (this topic could fill a book). The thread will need to post a message back to the GUI for notifications, as you cannot update your GUI from the context of another thread.

That sounds like you have your GUI coupled together with your controller and protocol handler. I suggest you separate the front-end and back-end, and keep things decoupled.

Threads are normally used to make the computer more responsive. Creating threads has a certain overhead, and require a great deal of care to synchronise properly. But if you have one thread per network session, the overhead will not slow things down as you would only have at most a handful.

SQLite is an excellent database for this purpose. It is used by some of the largest software houses in the world for client-side storage management. It is very fast and efficient, and I'm sure it will be able to keep up with your application.

You seem to be undertaking a complex application. I suggest you buy a book on concurrent programming, and read some more about threading. It is a very complex issue, and can lead to bugs that are incredibly difficult to track down if not programmed with great care. Good luck!


09-23 00:37