


The main method is the most significant method in your Java application with regards to launching your application as the entry point. What happens prior to this method being used is unclear. Please can someone help me understand/clarify what happens before the method is used by correcting my perception thereof based on the method signature as follows:

  • JVM至少创建一个对象,该对象将访问您的主方法.这个(假定的)对象尝试根据该API来访问您的Java应用程序,该API显然会将您绑定到已知的方法签名public static void main (String[] args){}

  • public您是否不能限制JVM上的(假定的)单独对象访问包含主要方法的对象,而该方法主要仅查看逻辑而不是API/签名?

  • public You can't restrict the (assumed) solitary object on the JVM from accessing your Object housing the main method completely looking at logic alone and not the API/signature?


static There are simply no objects up and running to create any other instances of objects up yet (other than the assumed JVM one) to instantiate or create objects out of yet. The static modifier implies the only possibility of accessing this method as it is not bound to an instance and can be accessed therefore 2ithout an instance. Yet again this is logic as without any objects up and running (apart from the assumed JVM one), there can't be any objects up yet to instantiate any other objects with?


args A standard across languages and applications/executables to provide ability to customize the application?|


Is this a correct and logical way to approach and understand the main method?



It's not entirely clear what you're really asking, but the JVM specification section 5.2 covers at least some of this:


In an implementation of the Java Virtual Machine, the initial class could be provided as a command line argument. Alternatively, the implementation could provide an initial class that sets up a class loader which in turn loads an application. Other choices of the initial class are possible so long as they are consistent with the specification given in the previous paragraph.


The JLS section 12.1 has some other descriptions too.


The JVM invokes the main method directly - it doesn't need to create a new object to do so. Although the main method itself has to be public, the class it's declared in doesn't. For example:

public class Test {
    private static class EntryPoint {        
        public static void main(String[] args) {


java 'Test$EntryPoint'


It prints "Hi" as expected.


No code outside the Test class has access to EntryPoint.main() other than through privileged reflection - or direct access that the JVM is clearly capable of.


09-25 08:19