本文介绍了在不使用Google API的情况下在Android上从北印度语音译为英语的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I want to transliterate Hindi text into English in following way


英语-" aapka swagat hain "


I don't want to use Google's Translate API or any other translate API. If I use them it will end up giving me the translated version of my hindi text which is "Welcome".


我听说过 ICU ,但是找不到在我的代码中使用它的过程很幸运.

I've heard of ICU but no luck in finding the procedure to use it in my code.



One potential way to solve the problem is to break it into twosolvable ones and marry the two.


There are Hindi readers which can read Hindi devanagari script.


There are also dictating engines that phonetically transcribe in English.


E.g. when someone leaves a message on my Vonage phone line in Gujarati, it records the audio, generates English text and emails me the wav file and the text. Mind you, when reading the text message it can occasionally be hilariously funny because Vonage assumes it is supposed to be in English, I am expecting the message to be in English, but after reading the message I realize it is Gujarati.


Google 'hindi reader for android' and 'phonetic transcription' for more info. If a Hindi reader could output a wav file which can be used as input to the transcription piece, then it may be a solution to your problem.

这篇关于在不使用Google API的情况下在Android上从北印度语音译为英语的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-26 01:19