


I'm trying to understand how does an operating system work when we want to assign some value to a particular virtual memory address.


My first question concerns whether the MMU handles everything between the CPU and the RAM. Is this true? From what one can read from Wikipedia, I'd say so:


If that is the case, how can one tell the MMU I want to get 8 bytes, 64 or 128bytes, for example? What about writing?


If that is not the case, I'm guessing the MMU just translates virtual addresses to physical ones?


What happens when the MMU detects there will be what we call a page-fault? I guess it has to tell it to the CPU so the CPU loads the page itself off disk, or is the MMU able to do this?





I'll attempt to answer your questions one by one but note, it might be a good idea to get your hands on a textbook for an OS course or an introductory computer architecture course.


The MMU consists of some hardware logic and state whose purpose is, indeed, to produce a physical address and provide/receive data to and from the memory controller. Actually, the job of memory translation is one that is taken care of by cooperating hardware and software (OS) mechanisms (at least in modern PCs). Once the physical address is obtained, the CPU has essentially done its job and now sends the address out on a bus which is at some point connected to the actual memory chips. In many systems this bus is called the Front-Side Bus (FSB), which is in turn connected to a memory controller. This controller takes the physical address supplied by the CPU and uses it to interact with the DRAM chips, and ultimately extract the bits in the correct rows and columns of the memory array. The data is then sent back to the CPU, which can now operate on it. Note that I'm not including caching in this description.


So no, the MMU does not interact directly with RAM, which I assume you are using to mean the physical DRAM chips. And you cannot tell the MMU that you want 8 bytes, or 24 bytes, or whatever, you can only supply it with an address. How many bytes that gets you depends on the machine you're on and whether it's byte-addressable or word-addressable.


Your last question urges me to remind you: the MMU is actually a part of the CPU--it sits on the same silicon die (although this was not always the case).

现在,让我们以页面错误为例.假设我们的用户级应用程序想要像您所说的那样设置someAddress = 10,我将逐步介绍它.假设someAddress为0xDEADBEEF,现在暂时忽略缓存.

Now, let's take your example with the page fault. Suppose our user-level application wants to, like you said, set someAddress = 10, I'll take it in steps. Let's assume someAddress is 0xDEADBEEF and let's ignore caches for now.


1) The application issues a store instruction to 0xsomeAddress, which, in x86 might look something like

mov %eax, 0xDEADBEEF


where 10 is the value in the eax register.


2) 0xDEADBEEF in this case is a virtual address, which must be translated. Most of the time, the virtual to physical address translation will be available in a hardware structure called the Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB), which will provide this translation to us very fast. Typically, it can do so in one clock cycle. If the translation is in the TLB, called a TLB hit, execution can continue immediately (i.e. the physical address corresponding to 0xDEADBEEF and the value 10 are sent out to the memory controller to be written).


3) Let's suppose though, that the translation wasn't available in the TLB (called a TLB miss). Then we must find the translation in the page tables, which are structures in memory whose structure is defined by the hardware and managed by the OS. They simply contain entries that map a virtual address to a physical one (more accurately, a virtual page number to a physical page number). But these structures also reside in memory, and so must have addresses! The hardware contains a special register called cr3 which contains the physical address of the current page table. We can index into this page table using our virtual address, so the hardware takes the value in cr3, computes an address by adding an offset, and goes off to memory to fetch the page table entry (PTE). This PTE will (hopefully) contain the physical address corresponding to 0xDEADBEEF, in which case we put this mapping in the TLB (so we don't have to walk the page table again) and continue on our way.

4)但是,哦,不!如果页表中没有0xDEADBEEF的PTE,该怎么办?这是页面错误,这是操作系统起作用的地方.我们从页表中取出的PTE存在,因为(假设)它是一个有效的访问内存地址,但是OS尚未为其创建VA-> PA映射,因此它应该进行一些设置表示它无效.对硬件进行编程的方式是,当它在访问时看到此无效位时,它将生成异常,在这种情况下为页面错误.

4) But oh no! What if there is no PTE in the page tables for 0xDEADBEEF? This is a page fault, and this is where the Operating System comes into play. The PTE we got out of the page table existed, as in it was (let's assume) a valid memory address to access, but the OS had not created a VA->PA mapping for it yet, so it would have had a bit set to indicate that it is invalid. The hardware is programmed in such a way that when it sees this invalid bit upon an access, it generates an exception, in this case a page fault.

5)异常导致硬件通过跳转到一个众所周知的位置(一段称为处理程序的代码)来调用操作系统.可以有许多异常处理程序,而页面错误处理程序就是其中之一.页面错误处理程序将知道导致错误的地址,因为它存储在某个地方的寄存器中,因此将为我们的虚拟地址0xDEADBEEF创建一个新的映射.它将通过分配物理内存的空闲页,然后说"VA x和VA y之间的所有虚拟地址都将映射到此新分配的物理内存页中的某个地址"来做到这一点. 0xDEADBEEF将在该范围内的某个位置,因此映射现在已安全地存在于页表中,并且我们可以重新启动导致页错误(mov)的指令.

5) The exception causes the hardware to invoke the OS by jumping to a well known location--a piece of code called a handler. There can be many exception handlers, and a page fault handler is one of them. The page fault handler will know the address that caused the fault because it's stored in a register somewhere, and so will create a new mapping for our virtual address 0xDEADBEEF. It will do so by allocating a free page of physical memory and then saying "all virtual addresses between VA x and VA y will map to some address within this newly allocated page of physical memory". 0xDEADBEEF will be somewhere in that range, so the mapping is now securely in the page tables, and we can restart the instruction that caused the page fault (the mov).


6) Now, when we go through the page tables again, we will find a mapping and the PTE we pull out will have a nice physical address, the one we want to store to. We provide this with the value 10 to the memory controller and we're done!


Caches will change this game quite a bit, but I hope this serves to illustrate how paging works. Again, it would benefit you greatly to check out some OS/Computer Architecture books. I hope this was clear.


09-27 00:58