


I can create simple dependent drop down list in excel as shown in the below screenshot.

http://s14.postimg.org/sip3g4nc1/dropdown1.jpg 如果我在单元格E1中选择TeamA,则TeamA的所有三个成员都显示在单元格F1的下拉列表中

http://s14.postimg.org/sip3g4nc1/dropdown1.jpgIf I select TeamA in the cell E1, all the three members of TeamA is shown in the drop down list at cell F1


Now I want to achieve the following scenarios -

  1. 第一个成员将在F1中显示,并立即选择E1中的团队.目前,无论我在单元格E1处选择什么,F1都将保持不变,直到我通过单击F1的下拉列表更改值为止.

  1. The first member will be shown in F1 immediately selecting Team in E1. Currently whatever I select at cell E1, F1 stays unchanged until I change the value by clicking F1's drop down list.


There will be another two cells to hold members in G1 and H1. So, there will be three cells for three members. When I select Team in E1, immediately three cells (F1, G1 & H1) will be updated with the corresponding members. Each member cell will have drop down list having all the members to select desired member later.


假定您使用了间接引用( TeamA 下的行被命名为 TeamA 等):

Assuming you used indirect referencing (the rows under TeamA are named TeamA and so on):

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rng(1) As Range, rng1 As Range
Set rng(0) = Range("E1") 'your primary selection
Set rng(1) = Range("F1:H1") 'your secondary selection range
Application.EnableEvents = False
If Not Intersect(Target, rng(0)) Is Nothing Then 'if you have changed your primary selection
    For Each rng1 In rng(1) 'each cell in your secondary selection
        i = i + 1
        rng1 = Range("" & rng(0).Value2)(i, 1) 'gets changed to the nth value in the indirect reference of the primary selection ("TeamA" 's second row is "MemberA2" for example)
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

您需要将此子项放入工作表模块中,并以 .xlsm 扩展名保存文件.

You need to place this sub into your worksheet module and save the file with .xlsm extension.


09-27 12:52