

我们希望能够给应用程序的用户与done.The问题真实交易相关联的是,我们对应用程序后端侧用户的电子邮件地址,我们追踪用户的购买量,但是当我们进入谷歌钱包的交易我们有没有办法知道哪些事务/ S属于该用户。我们需要一个解决方案,因为即使我们有用户的电子邮件,我们无法通过电子邮件地址进行搜索交易。

We want to be able to associate app users with real transactions done.The problem is that we have the user’s email address on application back end side, and we track user purchase amounts, but when we go into the Google Wallet transactions we have no way of knowing which transaction/s belong to that user. We need a solution for this, because even if we have the user's email, we cannot search transactions by email address.


Is it possible to update the receipt numbers we are sending in the API to include the Google Wallet Receipt number instead of the time stamp ?


Please, provide us your suggestions.



My answer here refers to the previous answer provided:

  1. 完全同意为什么不能这样建议的(或更好的),在钱包教程中发现了什么?

  1. Totally agree on "why cannot this kind of suggestion (or a better one) be found in the wallet tutorial?".


Your suggested solution does not seem to be very secured (to say the least). You want the client to send you their username/email/client-id in the Success callback... This means that anyone will be able to send you their ID, even if they did not make a purchase. They can add a random order-ID and hope to get a match (and then repeat the process many times in order to increase the chances).


My guess is that the username/email/client-id lies somewhere in the request object sent from Google to the postback URL (your server's doPost routine). But I have the feeling that you need to add something in the JWT generated in your Purchase function before it is passed to the google.payments.inapp.buy routine.


Looking for an answer myself...


Here is a possible solution, although I have not yet tested it myself:


Download the 'zip' file from: https://code.google.com/p/wallet-online-quickstart-java/downloads/list


Take the entire 'com' folder and add it to your project source folder (sorry, I have not been able to find a JAR for this package). Then, add the following code to your servlet:


import com.google.wallet.online.jwt.JwtResponseContainer;

import com.google.wallet.online.jwt.util.JwtGenerator;

import com.google.wallet.online.jwt.JwtResponse;


public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) ...




        String maskedWalletJwt = request.getParameter("maskedWalletJwt");

        JwtResponseContainer jwtResponseContainer = JwtGenerator.jwtToJava(JwtResponseContainer.class, maskedWalletJwt, SellerSecret);

        JwtResponse jwtResponse = jwtResponseContainer.getResponse();

        String email = jwtResponse.getEmail();





One thing I'm not so sure about, is request.getParameter("maskedWalletJwt").


You might have to add this parameter when calling the google.payments.inapp.buy routine.


09-27 13:59