

正如标题所示,我想创建一个函数来计算用户输入的两个值之间数组中的值数量.因此,例如,如果数组是[1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 6],并且用户输入5作为他们的第一个值,并且输入7作为他们的第二个值,则会向他们发出警告,提示说

As the title suggests, I want to create a function the counts the number of values in my array between two values that have been entered by the user. So for example, if the array was [1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 6] and the user entered 5 as their first value and 7 as their second value, they would be greeted with an alert that said


您可以利用 Array#filter (设置为选择的回调提供的this绑定):

var array = [1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 6]

function inRange (x) {
  return this[0] <= x && x <= this[1]

var result = array.filter(inRange, [5, 7]).length

console.log('Total number of values:', result)


09-27 16:46