


While reading up about some python module I encountered this decorator class:

# this decorator lets me use methods as both static and instance methods
class omnimethod(object):
        def __init__(self, func):
                self.func = func

        def __get__(self, instance, owner):
                return functools.partial(self.func, instance)


What I know about decorators, is that the can extend functionality (e.g. for a function). Could someone be so kind and explain to me why the class above is useful and how it exactly works?


It is used in the code this way:

def some_function(...):


I encountered this piece of code in the same file:

def some_other_function(...):

@property 不在文件中的任何位置定义。这是一些标准的装饰器吗?如果是,它有什么作用? Google无法在这种情况下为我提供帮助。

@property is not defined anywhere in the file. Is this some standard decorator? If yes, what does it do? Google couldn't help me on this case.


By the way, here is the source where I found the code: http://code.xster.net/pygeocoder/src/c9460febdbd1/pygeocoder.py



that omnimethod is very clever. It uses some very subtle tricks to do it's job. Let's start at the beginning.


You probably already know that decorator syntax is just sugar for function application, ie:

def somefunc(...):

# is the same thing as    

def somefunc(...):
somefunc = somedecorator(somefunc)

所以 somefunc 是实际上是 omnimethod 实例,而不是已定义的函数。有趣的是 omnimethod 还实现了如果类属性定义了 __ get __ 方法,则每当提及该属性时,解释器而是在该对象上调用 __ get __ 并返回该值,而不是返回属性本身。

so somefunc is actually an omnimethod instance, not the function that had been defined. what's interesting about this is that omnimethod also implements the descriptor interface. If a class attribute defines a __get__ method, then whenever that attribute is mentioned, the interpreter instead calls __get__ on that object, and returns that instead of returning the attribute itself.

始终使用实例作为第一个参数调用 __ get __ 方法,将该实例的类作为第二个参数。如果该属性实际上是从类本身查找的,则实例将为 None

the __get__ method is always called with instance as first argument, and the class of that instance as second argument. If the attribute was actually looked up from the class itself, then instance will be None.

最后一个骗术是,是的python方法。当您使用 partial 时,您将一个函数和一些参数传递给它,并且它返回一个新函数,该函数在被调用时还将使用原始参数调用原始函数。您以后传入的任何参数。 全方位方法使用此技术将 self 参数填充到其包装的函数中。

The last bit of trickery is functools.partial, which is the python way of function currying. when you use partial, you pass it a function and some arguments, and it returns a new function, that when called, will call the original function with the original arguments in addition to whichever arguments you passed in later. omnimethod uses this technique to populate the self parameter to the function it wraps.


Here's what that looks like. a regular method can be called when you read it from an instance but you can't use it from the class itself. you get an unbound TypeError

>>> class Foo(object):
...     def bar(self, baz):
...         print self, baz
>>> f = Foo()
>>> f.bar('apples')
<__main__.Foo object at 0x7fe81ab52f90> apples
>>> Foo.bar('quux')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unbound method bar() must be called with 
Foo instance as first argument (got str instance instead)
>>> Foo.bar(None, 'quux')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unbound method bar() must be called with
Foo instance as first argument (got NoneType instance instead)

Python提供了一个bultin装饰器(还有 staticmethod ,但不要紧),将允许您在类级别使用它,但是永远看不到实例。

Python provides a bultin decorator classmethod (and also staticmethod, but nevermind that), that will allow you to use it at the class level, but it never gets to see the instance. it always recieves the class as it's first argument.

>>> class Foo(object):
...     @classmethod
...     def bar(cls, baz):
...         print cls, baz
>>> f = Foo()
>>> Foo.bar('abc')
<class '__main__.Foo'> abc
>>> f.bar('def')
<class '__main__.Foo'> def


>>> class Foo(object):
...     @omnimethod
...     def bar(self, baz):
...         print self, baz
>>> f = Foo()
>>> Foo.bar('bananas')
None bananas    
>>> f.bar('apples')
<__main__.Foo object at 0x7fe81ab52f90> apples


10-10 22:24