


Is it possible to achieve line-height consistency in all browsers?


I have attached an image. You will notice a red rectangular box and a green rectangular box (both of the same width and height) which I have added via photoshop manually to aid in showing the the space/gap difference between the dotted lines (below the red box) and the "Followers: 3197179" text.


It seems that Firefox is the only one that is displaying the elements differently. I notice this when I apply a line-height. Any way I can make this consistent with all browsers?

我使用的是Firefox 3.6.13,Safari 5.0.3,Opera 10.63和Chrome 8.0.552.231。

I am using Firefox 3.6.13, Safari 5.0.3, Opera 10.63 and Chrome 8.0.552.231.



.clearfix, .container {display:block;}

ul          { margin:0; padding:0; list-style:none; }
li          { position:relative; margin:0 0 0 0; padding:12px 0; border-bottom:1px dotted #E7E7E7; }

li img      { float:left; margin-top:0; }

li p        { margin:0 0 0 58px; padding:0; font-weight:normal; border:none; font-size:1em; line-height:1.3em; }
li p.name     { position:relative; padding-top:0; font-size:1.1em; font-weight:bold; }

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  <li class="clearfix">
            <a href="#"><img width="50" src="http://localhost:3000/images/foobar.gif" alt="thumb"></a>
            <p class="name">
              <a href="#">Jessica Simpson</a>
            <p>Blurred out text here</p>
            <p>Followers: 3197179</p>



Your currently using em's. Maybe you can try to be more specific by trying to use px in both line-height and font-size. Also try to use padding in those texts, maybe it'll work, I think ;).

在任何跨浏览器的事情。没有具体的方法来做,使每个渲染器都一样。它总是一个梦想,大多数客户不明白。对我来说,最好总是向他们解释他们想要什么,以及我们在像1px / 2px这样的差异中花费多少时间。这是普通的。您可以查看。

In any cross browser thing you do. There's is no concrete way of doing things to make it same on every renderer. It's always a dream that most client's don't understand. For me, it's better to always explain to them what they want and how much time we spend in things like 1px/2px differences. It's plain normal. You may check this video by Andy Clarke speaking about cross browser and some other cool stuff.


10-11 05:33