本文介绍了在没有OpenCL的情况下对Intel IGP(例如Iris Pro 5200)硬件进行编程的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


台式机i7-4770k @ 4GHz内核的峰值GFLOPS为4GHz * 8(AVX)*(4 FMA)* 4内核= .但是最新的Intel IGP(Iris Pro 5100/5200)的峰值超过了 800 GFLOPS .因此,某些算法将在IGP上运行得更快.将核心与IGP组合在一起甚至会更好.此外,IGP不断消耗更多的硅. Iris Pro 5100现在占据了硅片的30%以上.英特尔台式机处理器的发展方向似乎很明确.

The Peak GFLOPS of the the cores for the Desktop i7-4770k @ 4GHz is 4GHz * 8 (AVX) * (4 FMA) * 4 cores = 512 GFLOPS. But the latest Intel IGP (Iris Pro 5100/5200) has a peak of over 800 GFLOPS. Some algorithms will therefore run even faster on the IGP. Combining the cores with the IGP together would even be better. Additionally, the IGP keeps eating up more silicon. The Iris Pro 5100 takes up over 30% of the silicon now. It seems clear which direction Intel desktop processors are headed.

据我所知,除OpenCL/OpenGL之外,程序员大多忽略了Intel IGP.我很好奇,想知道如何在没有OpenCL的情况下可以对Intel HD Graphics硬件进行编程以进行计算(例如SGEMM)?

As far as I have seen the Intel IGP, however, is mostly ignored by programmers with the exception of OpenCL/OpenGL. I'm curious to know how one can program the Intel HD Graphics hardware for compute (e.g. SGEMM) without OpenCL?

添加了评论:他们不是英特尔对Linux上的高清图形和OpenCL的支持.我发现 beignet 这是一种开源尝试,至少为Ivy添加了对Linux的支持桥接高清图形.我还没有尝试过.当时开发Beignet的人大概知道如何在不使用OpenCL的情况下对HD图形硬件进行编程.

Added comment: Their is no Intel support for HD graphics and OpenCL on Linux. I found beignet which is open source attempt to add support to Linux at least for Ivy Bridge HD graphics. I have not tried it. Probably the people developing Beignet know how to program the HD graphics hardware without OpenCL then.


请记住,将数据复制到视频卡上并返回存在性能上的问题,因此必须考虑到这一点. AMD即将发布具有相同内存的APU芯片,它们在同一芯片上具有CPU和GPU的统一内存,这将大大缓解这一问题.

Keep in mind that there is a performance hit to copy the data to the video card and back, so this must be taken into account. AMD is close to releasing APU chips that have unified memory for the CPU and GPU on the same die, which will go a long way towards alleviating this problem.


The way the GPU used to be utilized before CUDA and OpenCL were to represent the memory to be operated on as a texture utilizing DirectX or OpenGL. Thank goodness we don't have to do that anymore!


AMD is really pushing the APU / OpenCL model, so more programs should take advantage of the GPU via OpenCL - if the performance trade off is there. Currently, GPU computing is a bit of a niche market relegated to high performance computing or number crunching that just isn't needed for web browsing and word processing.

这篇关于在没有OpenCL的情况下对Intel IGP(例如Iris Pro 5200)硬件进行编程的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-12 15:29