


I am doing some sort of encryption which depends of the order of messages sent via a Netty channel. What I am expecting is that if I write message A before message B to a channel then they should be sent to the remote socket in the same order I have written them to the channel. So is the case I need already supported by Netty?

另一方面,Netty's Channel接受并发写入调用,我不确定我的要求是否已经满足.由于数据结构的崩溃状态,我今天不得不在一个全状态(每通道一个)编码器上进行同步.但是,我仍然不确定过滤器内同步是否可以满足我的需求.

On the other hand Netty's Channel accepts concurrent write calls and I am in doubt my requirement can already met. I had to synchronize on a statefull (a per channel one) encoder today due to currupt state of a data structure. However I am still not sure whether the in-filter synchronization will help my need.



Yes, the messages will get transfered in the same order as you call Channel.write(..). There is nothing you need to worry about here.


10-14 16:01