本文介绍了将某些指标与Google Analytics API v4中的会话和产品相关联的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在GA api中要求获取一些非常具体的指标类型:

I have a requirement in the GA api to get a few very specific types of metrics:


  • 使用购物车进行实地访问添加:这是对会话数的计数发生在会话中发生购物车添加的时间范围内.
  • 带产品视图的访问次数:这是在会话中发生产品详细信息视图的时间范围内进行了多少次会话的计数.
  • Site Visits with a Cart Add: This is a count of how many sessionsoccurred for a time frame where a cart add occurred in the session.
  • Site Visits with a Product View: This is a count of how many sessions occurred for a time frame where a product detail view occurred in the session.


  • 产品访问:这是产品范围内发生的会话数.例如,sku 12345在一个时间范围内对该产品进行了200次会话触摸.如果有帮助,Adobe Analytics会将其内置为访问量"指标,该指标可以针对每个产品进行关联.
  • 购物车访问:这是在产品范围内发生的购物车打开次数(重复的购物车添加次数).这将与Adobe的商品"指标直接相关,该指标可以针对每种产品进行关联.


From all the research I've done, and many tests, these four items don't appear to be possible just using metric and dimension correlations. I've heard that they might be possible using some sort of segment filter configuration, but I'm not sure how those would even begin to look.


I'm wondering if anyone has dealt with this type of thing before and would be able to help point me in the right direction. A couple json examples would be even more helpful, or a couple screenshots of how these segments might be setup in the interface.


编辑5/1/17 :通过针对会话应用细分,我能够找出以上两个网站级别的指标:

Edit 5/1/17: I was able to figure out the two site level metrics above by applying the segments against sessions:

  • 对于购物车添加-会话:: condition :: ga:productAddsToCart!= 0
  • 对于产品视图-会话:: condition :: ga:productDetailViews!= 0


I feel like this could solve the problem for the product level metrics above, but I still can't find any way to get session data on a per-product basis.

编辑5/4/17 :我想为产品访问附上一张我要完成的图片.这是在查询资源管理器上:

Edit 5/4/17: I figured I'd attach a picture for the product visits on what I am trying to accomplish. This is on the query explorer:


And this is the results I get, instead of the expected list of skus - each with a number of sessions:



Circling around - it is clear from GA that they don't support correlating certain values, because the scope is different. The only two options you have to getting something similar is to:

  1. 使用自定义维度/指标来实现所需的关联,尤其是因为可以为这些关联指定特定的范围.
  2. 更改您对业务规则的要求/期望.


In the case of the application I was attempting, the latter made more sense for the users of the application.

这篇关于将某些指标与Google Analytics API v4中的会话和产品相关联的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-14 17:08