本文介绍了在 TypeScript 中使用值字符串(反向映射)获取枚举键的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



export enum ApiMessages {
    logged_ok = 'Logged OK',
    register_ok = 'Register OK'


I have a function with the enum as a parameter:

export function responseOK(message: ApiMessages, result ?: any): ApiResponse {
    return {
        "status": "ok",
        "code": 200,
        "messageId": ApiMessages[message], <-- KO TS7015
        "message": message,
        "result": result


responseOK(ApiMessages.logged_ok, {user: userRes})

我正在尝试将枚举键和枚举字符串值返回给响应,但出现 TS 错误:

I am trying to return the enum key and the enum string value to the response but I get the TS error:


我有严格的 TypeScript 配置.添加suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors 不是一个选项.

I have strict TypeScript config. Adding suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors is not an option.

TypeScript 版本:2.9.2





That means there is no simple reverse mapping in your case.


To get the key of an enum member by its value, you have to iterate through the enum keys and compare the associated value with your target value.

function getEnumKeyByEnumValue(myEnum, enumValue) {
    let keys = Object.keys(myEnum).filter(x => myEnum[x] == enumValue);
    return keys.length > 0 ? keys[0] : null;

您可以按如下方式更严格地键入(请注意,我们可以将 enum 解释为可索引类型,此处的键和值都是字符串):

You can type this more strictly as follows (note that we can interpret our enum as an indexable type with key and value both being strings here):

function getEnumKeyByEnumValue<T extends {[index:string]:string}>(myEnum:T, enumValue:string):keyof T|null {
    let keys = Object.keys(myEnum).filter(x => myEnum[x] == enumValue);
    return keys.length > 0 ? keys[0] : null;


Some demo code follows. You can also see it in action on the TypeScript Playground

enum ApiMessages {
    logged_ok = 'Logged OK',
    register_ok = 'Register OK'

let exampleValue = ApiMessages.logged_ok;
let exampleKey = getEnumKeyByEnumValue(ApiMessages, exampleValue);

alert(`The value '${exampleValue}' has the key '${exampleKey}'`)

function getEnumKeyByEnumValue<T extends {[index:string]:string}>(myEnum:T, enumValue:string):keyof T|null {
    let keys = Object.keys(myEnum).filter(x => myEnum[x] == enumValue);
    return keys.length > 0 ? keys[0] : null;

将其添加到您的 responseOK() 中,您会得到:

Adding this into your responseOK() you end up with:

function responseOK(message: ApiMessages, result ?: any) {
    return {
        "status": "ok",
        "code": 200,
        "messageId": getEnumKeyByEnumValue(ApiMessages, message),
        "message": message,
        "result": result

这篇关于在 TypeScript 中使用值字符串(反向映射)获取枚举键的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-14 22:16