

我安装了最新版本的Python (3.6.4 64-bit)和最新版本的PyCharm (2017.3.3 64-bit).然后我在PyCharm中安装了一些模块(Numpy,Pandas等),但是当我尝试安装Tensorflow时却没有安装,并且出现了错误消息:

I installed the latest version of Python (3.6.4 64-bit) and the latest version of PyCharm (2017.3.3 64-bit). Then I installed some modules in PyCharm (Numpy, Pandas, etc), but when I tried installing Tensorflow it didn't install, and I got the error message:


Then I tried installing TensorFlow from the command prompt and I got the same error message.I did however successfully install tflearn.

我还安装了Python 2.7,但又收到了相同的错误消息.我搜索了该错误,并尝试了一些建议给其他人的方法,但是没有任何效果(包括安装Flask).

I also installed Python 2.7, but I got the same error message again. I googled the error and tried some of the things which were suggested to other people, but nothing worked (this included installing Flask).


How can I install Tensorflow? Thanks.


截至2018年8月13日的Tensorflow支持Python 3.6.x,并且仅支持64位版本.

Tensorflow as of Aug-13-2018 supports, Python 3.6.x, and only the 64 bit version.


10-15 05:19