

我有一个24块色卡,我正在尝试为使用所述色卡捕获的图像估计色彩校正矩阵.我已经使用least squares方法手动估算了CCM,但未产生令人满意的结果.应用CCM后,某些图像会出现怪异的阴影.

I have a 24 block color card and I'm trying to estimate a color correction matrix to the captured images with the said color card. I have manually estimated a CCM using the least squares method and it's not producing desirable results. Some images get a weird shade after applying CCM.
I have double checked my code but couldn't find any glitches. I'm looking for any opencv/matlab based or any open source implementations where I can provide the captured color values and the actual color values and it can calculate and apply CCM for me to make sure if it's my implementation which has problems or the least squares method is not very effective.


PS : Following is the MATLAB code I'm using to estimate and apply the Color Correction Matrix (CCM)

% calc 3x3 correction matrix
ccm = MactAll * MrawAll' * inv(MrawAll * MrawAll') % MactAll is the 3x24 matirx of actual color card values and MrawAll is the 3x24 matrix of captured color card values


here's how I'm applying the CCM to the image

[my, mx, mc] = size(imageRGB);  % rows, columns, colors (3) % 
imageRGB = reshape(imageRGB,my*mx,mc); 
correctedRGB = imageRGB*ccm;  
correctedRGB = min(correctedRGB,1);  correctedRGB = max(correctedRGB,0);  % Place limits on output.

correctedRGB = reshape(correctedRGB, my, mx, mc); 
correctedRGB = uint8(correctedRGB*255);






color correction model you are using is well described here:

https://www .informatik.hu-berlin.de/de/forschung/gebiete/viscom/thesis/final/Studienarbeit_Behringer_201308.pdf

这也可以在c ++ opencv中完成.您必须确定方程式:

This can also be done in c++ opencv. You have to determine equation:

 [p1' p2' ... pn' ] = M * [ p1 p2 ... pn]
         P'         = M *        P

其中p1',... pn'是期望值(如果在XYZ颜色空间中更好),p1,... pn是检测到的真实值,M是3x3转换矩阵.

Where p1',...pn' are desired values (better if in XYZ color space), p1, ... pn are real values detected and M is 3x3 transformation matrix.


You could solve that system as follows:

M = P * P'.inv(CV_SVD)


10-16 04:11