


I know that a temporary cannot be bound to a non-const reference, but it can be bound to const reference. That is,

 A & x = A(); //error
 const A & y = A(); //ok

我也知道在第二种情况out A()扩展到const引用的生命周期(即 y )。

I also know that in the second case (above), the lifetime of the temporary created out of A() extends till the lifetime of const reference (i.e y).


绑定到临时的const引用可以进一步 >绑定到另一个const引用,将临时生命周期延长到第二个对象的生命周期?


I tried this and it didn't work. I don't exactly understand this. I wrote this code:

struct A
   A()  { std::cout << " A()" << std::endl; }
   ~A() { std::cout << "~A()" << std::endl; }

struct B
   const A & a;
   B(const A & a) : a(a) { std::cout << " B()" << std::endl; }
   ~B() { std::cout << "~B()" << std::endl; }

int main() 
            A a;
            B b(a);
        std::cout << "-----" << std::endl;
            B b((A())); //extra braces are needed!



为什么临时对象 A()在第二种情况下在对象 b 之前被销毁?标准(C ++ 03)是否讨论这种行为?

Difference in output? Why the temporary object A() is destructed before the object b in the second case? Does the Standard (C++03) talks about this behavior?



The standard considers two circumstances under which the lifetime of a temporary is extended:

§12.2/ 5第二个上下文是当引用绑定到临时的时候。 [...]

§12.2/5 The second context is when a reference is bound to a temporary. [...]


None of those two allow you to extend the lifetime of the temporary by a later binding of the reference to another const reference. But ignore the standarese and think of what is going on:


Temporaries are created in the stack. Well, technically, the calling convention might mean that a returned value (temporary) that fits in the registers might not even be created in the stack, but bear with me. When you bind a constant reference to a temporary the compiler semantically creates a hidden named variable (that is why the copy constructor needs to be accessible, even if it is not called) and binds the reference to that variable. Whether the copy is actually made or elided is a detail: what we have is an unnamed local variable and a reference to it.


If the standard allowed your use case, then it would mean that the lifetime of the temporary would have to be extended all the way until the last reference to that variable. Now consider this simple extension of your example:

B* f() {
   B * bp = new B(A());
   return b;
void test() {
   B* p = f();
   delete p;

现在的问题是临时的(让它调用 _T )绑定在 f()中,它的行为就像一个局部变量。引用绑定在 * bp 内。现在对象的生命周期超出了创建临时的函数,但是因为 _T 没有被动态分配是不可能的。

Now the problem is that the temporary (lets call it _T) is bound in f(), it behaves like a local variable there. The reference is bound inside *bp. Now that object's lifetime extends beyond the function that created the temporary, but because _T was not dynamically allocated that is impossible.


You can try and reason the effort that would be required to extend the lifetime of the temporary in this example, and the answer is that it cannot be done without some form of GC.


10-16 08:30