


我正在使用SharePoint 2013中列表的元数据导航设置。它们是下拉菜单的过滤器,用于对我的列表进行排序。

这些菜单基于选择类型列或元数据列。我的问题是我想自动更新这些menu \filters的值(过滤器),无需人为干预。

这意味着:如果列中有新的选择类型\ metadata ,我希望下拉菜单会自动更新,并且选择类型列这是不可能的,或者我无法理解。


我还尝试创建一个工作流,在元数据类型列中插入值,然后 插入基于列表的元数据导航菜单\ filter在这个专栏上 但我检查并看起来不可能通过工作流在元数据列中插入值。



Hi I tried to find a solution for this:

I'm using the Metadata Navigation settings of Lists in SharePoint 2013. They are drop down menus\filters that sorts my lists.

These menus are based on the values of Choice Type columns or Metadata Columns. My problem is that I want to update the values (filters) of these menus\filters automatically , without human intervention.
This means: If there is a new type of choice\metadata in the column , I want that the drop down menu would be updated automatically and with Choice Type columns this is not possible or I couldn't figure it.

I have to clarify that the insertion of the items in the lists is automatically with a tool called Layer2 so I can't insert values in Metadata Type columns.

Also I tried to create a workflow that insert values in a Metadata Type column" and then insert the metadata navigation menu\filter of the list based on this column BUT I check and looks like is not possible insert values in metadata columns though workflows.

Does anybody knows how to update the "Metadata Navigation filters\menus" of a list automatically?
I don't want add a new type of choice manually or new metadata manually.



10-19 18:26