

使用来自全新发布的RIA Services的业务应用程序模板,您可以在DomainDataSource顶部与DataPager结合使用数据网格来查看许多示例. PageSize和LoadSize属性可用于调整要在一页中显示的数据量以及在后台预取的数据.

Using the Business Application template from the brand new released RIA Services, you can see lots of examples using the data grid on top of a DomainDataSource in combination with a DataPager. The properties PageSize and LoadSize can be used to adjust the amount of data to be displayed in one page and the data that is prefetched in the background.


Now I'd like to have a data grid with a scrollbar and no pager. The underlying DomainDataSource should load only the data that is diplayed in the grid. It should trigger another load, when the user scrolls down to items that are not yet in the data context. Is there any sample implementation how to do this?



I've just published a couple of blog posts (Part 1, Part 2) that give my solution to this problem. I have also posted a sample to GitHub that implements my own take on the VirtualCollection concept (I don't know how this compares with Infragistics's control, because I haven't used that).

为了展示使用的简便性,以下是示例中的一些片段.首先,这是您使用 VirtualCollection 的方式坐标获取数据:

To show how easy it is to use, here are a few snippets from the sample. First, here's how you use VirtualCollection, the class that coordinates fetching the data:

public class MainViewModel : ViewModel
    private NetflixTitlesSource _source;

    public VirtualCollection<Title> Items { get; private set; }

    public MainViewModel()
        _source = new NetflixTitlesSource();
        Items = new VirtualCollection<Title>(_source, pageSize: 20, cachedPages: 5);

    protected override void OnViewLoaded()


In XAML you simply bind the Items property to the ItemsSource property of a ListBox or DataGrid

对于每个数据源,您必须实现VirtualCollectionSource.以下是 NetflixTitlesSource 的两种关键方法:

For each data source you must implement a VirtualCollectionSource. Here's what the two key methods of NetflixTitlesSource look like:

public class NetflixTitlesSource : VirtualCollectionSource<Title>
    protected override Task<int> GetCount()
        return GetQueryResults(0, 1, null)
            .ContinueWith(t => (int)t.Result.TotalCount, TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously);

    protected override Task<IList<Title>> GetPageAsyncOverride(int start, int pageSize, IList<SortDescription> sortDescriptions)
        return GetQueryResults(start, pageSize, sortDescriptions)
            .ContinueWith(t => (IList<Title>)((IEnumerable<Title>)t.Result).ToList(), TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously);

    private Task<QueryOperationResponse<Title>> GetQueryResults(int start, int pageSize, IList<SortDescription> sortDescriptions)
        // code to query the Netflix OData API


10-19 19:37