


- mediaid
- mediatitle

- mediaid
- mediatag

- tagid
- tagname


Tag: (1) - Public
Tag: (2) - Premium
Tag: (3) - Restricted


Media: (1) - Public
Media: (2) - Premium & Restricted
Media: (3) - Premium
Media: (4) - Restricted
Media: (5) - No tags

假定用户有权查看仅Public (1)Restricted (3)标签.如果媒体包含用户无权访问的标签的组合,则不允许他看到它.如果媒体没有标签,则根本不可见.因此,在这种情况下,用户只能看到Media 1Media 4.

Assume that a user has permissions to see only Public (1) and Restricted (3) tags. If a media has a combination of tags that the user doesn't have explicit access to, he's not allowed to see it. If a media has no tag it's not visible at all. So the user in this case would be able to see only Media 1 and Media 4.


Is it possible to write a MySQL query to retrieve the media assuming I have the user permissions in the form of an array with tag IDs (1,3) ?


JOIN这三个表,并将包含用户有权访问它们的标签ID的数组传递给IN谓词, WHERE子句.

JOIN the three tables, and pass the array, that contain the tag Id's that the user has permissions to access them, to the IN predicate in the WHERE clause.

对于数组[1, 3],您可以执行以下操作:

For instance for the array [1, 3], you can do this:

SELECT m.mediatitle, t.tagname
FROM media m
INNER JOIN MediaTag mt ON m.mediaid = mt.mediaid
INNER JOIN Tag t ON mt.mediatag = t.tagid
WHERE t.id IN (1, 3);

更新:例如,要仅获取同时具有两个标签ID(1、3)的mediatitle,请使用带有HAVING COUNT(tagname) = 2GROUP BY mediatitle,如下所示:

Update: To get only the mediatitles that had both tag ids (1, 3) for example, use a GROUP BY mediatitle with HAVING COUNT(tagname) = 2 like so:

SELECT m.mediatitle
FROM media m
INNER JOIN mediaTag mt ON m.mediaid = mt.mediaid
INNER JOIN tag t ON mt.mediatag = t.tagid
WHERE t.tagid IN (1, 3)
GROUP BY m.mediatitle
HAVING COUNT(t.tagname) = 2;


10-19 22:37