

我在一本书中读到,读入 ConcurrentHashmap 并不保证最近更新的状态,它有时可以提供更接近的值。这是正确的吗?

I read in a book that read in ConcurrentHashmap does not guarantee the most recently updated state and it can sometimes gives the closer value. Is this correct?


I have read its javadocs and many blogs which seems to say otherwise (i.e. it is accurate).



直观地说,ConcurrentHashMap的行为应该像一组volatile变量;映射键是变量地址。 get(key) put(key,value)应该像volatile读写一样。

Intuitively, a ConcurrentHashMap should behave like a set of volatile variables; map keys being the variable addresses. get(key) and put(key, value) should behave like volatile read and write.

我不认为Doug Lea会对我们这样做。可以肯定的是,有人请在并发利息邮件列表中询问他。

That is not explicitly stated in the document. However, I would strongly believe that it is the case. Otherwise there will be a lot of unexpected, surprising behaviors that undermine application logic.I don't think Doug Lea would do that to us. To be sure, someone please ask him on concurrency-interest mailing list.

假设它确实遵守易失性语义,我们可以基于Java内存模型进行推理 -

Suppose it does obey the volatile semantics, we can reason based on Java Memory Model -


All volatile reads and writes form a single total order. This can be considered a pseudo time line, where reads/writes are points on it.


A volatile read sees the immediate preceding volatile write, and sees only that write. "Preceding" here is according to the pseudo time line.


The pseudo time line can differ from "real" time line. However, in theory, a volatile write cannot be infinitely postponed on the pseudo time line. And, in pracitce, two time lines are pretty close.


Therefore, we can be pretty sure that, a volatile write should become visible "very quickly" to reads.


10-20 09:18