

我需要在特定日期标记视图的内容,我知道这样做的唯一方法是在配置规范中使用 -time版本选择器。我设置时间到我想要的日期,然后我应用视图上的标签。简单。

I need to label the contents of a view as seen at specific dates, and the only way I know of doing it is by using the -time version selector in the config specs. I set the time to the date I want, and then I apply the label on the view. Simple.

但是,我希望如果有一种方法可以在不更改配置规范的情况下进行。我希望我可以使用 cleartool find 结合 -exec mklabel 。但是,如果我这样做:

However, I was hoping if there is a way to do it pro-grammatically without changing the config specs. I was hoping that I could use the cleartool find in combination with -exec and mklabel. However, if I do this:

cleartool find . -cview -version "! created_since(some-date)" 

日期 ,如果我们使用 -time 选择器,则不一定应该在视图中看到。

It only pulls what was created before that date on the view, not necessarily what should be seen in the view if we were using the -time selector.

如果我使用 cleartool find -branch selector

And if I use cleartool find with a -branch selector

cleartool find . -cview -version "! created_since(some-branch)" 


it only selects that which was created before that date, on that branch only. It will not show what is also seen in the view on other branches via the config specs rules.

所以,我使用 cleartool find

So, am I using cleartool find wrong? Or is it just impossible?

有没有办法,从命令行,直接 cleartool find ,准确,准确地找到元素

Is there a way, from the command line, to direct cleartool find to find exactly and precisely the elements that

  1. 将会被给定目录中的活动配置规则

  2. 看到

  3. 不管所涉及的一个或多个分支,

  4. AS IF

  1. would be seen by the active config rules
  2. in a given directory
  3. regardless of the branch or branches involved,
  4. AS IF there was a -time directive in them?




A 是最好的选择。

To my knowledge, the query language isn't rich enough to include what the config spec time rule does.
A time-based selection rule is the best option.

为了使用 -time 程序化(因为find不起作用),我通常做的是:

What I generally do, in order to use the -time programmatically (since the find wouldn't work) is to:

  • 使用专用的动态视图(快照更新快照视图)

  • 在文件中写入我需要的配置规范

  • cleartool setcs -tag myView myFile#更新动态视图的配置规范


  • 使用动态视图更新内容的结果。

  • use a dedicated dynamic view (quicker to update than a snapshot view)
  • write in a file the config spec I need
  • cleartool setcs -tag myView myFile # update the config spec of the dynamic view
    (See setcs man page)
  • use the result of the updated content of the dynamic view.


10-20 20:43