


I am just curious. Is that an API mistake? When you join a multicast group you do NOT use the port, just the multicast address (IP) which is the multicast group, right?


Is that an annoyance of is there ever the case when the PORT will be used?


这个问题会更好地重新表述为'为什么 DatagramSocket.joinGroup()带一个 SocketAddress 参数,它可以包含一个端口号?'

The question would be better reformulated as 'why does DatagramSocket.joinGroup() take a SocketAddress parameter, which can contain a port number?'

忽略 SocketAddress 中的端口号。多播完全根据IP地址定义。我认为使用 SocketAddress 的原因是它可能意味着一个未解析的地址,其中 InetAddress 表示已解析的地址,并且你不能解析多播地址,但不要引用我; - )

The port number in the SocketAddress is ignored. Multicast is defined entirely in terms of IP addresses. I think the reason for using SocketAddress is that it can imply an unresolved address, where InetAddress implies a resolved address, and you can't resolve multicast addresses, but don't quote me ;-)


10-20 23:39