

我将Angular 5应用程序中的Http迁移到HttpClient,一切顺利,直到我使用一种服务的方法:

I'm migrating Http to HttpClient in an Angular 5 application and everything went fine until I got to this method of one of the services:

deleteMultipleObjects(userId: number, officeId : number, objectsData : any) {
  const url = `${APP_URL}/delete-objects/${userId}/${officeId}`;

  let headers = new Headers({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' });

  this.appOptionsService.log("Deleting multiple objects.....", url, objectsData);

  return this.http
    .delete(url, { headers : headers, body : objectsData } )


As you can see, I pass an object objectsData in the body of the delete call that basically has this structure:

  objectIds: [id1, id2, id3, ...]


I see that the delete method in the HttpClient doesn't allow to include a body, so how could I send the array of object ids to delete with the call? I have a lot of delete calls that are the same as this one, so I'll have to change a lot of things in the code to adapt it...



您无法在Angular的DELETE http请求中发送正文.

You can not send body in DELETE http request in Angular.

HTTP规范说这是可能的. 文档页面.

HTTP specification on MDN says that this possible. documentation page.


If you need this functionality, you should use PUT as workaround. Another method to allow multiple e.g. id's on your delete API endpoint. For example:



That requires some changes on your api.


10-21 15:09