


Hey this question is in reply to Joel Hooks's comment on an older question of mine (How to call a function in a Class from another Class?)


I was able to fix my own problem using a public static var to reference one of my Classes, so in the other class I just needed to use the this keyword so it could be called.

instance = this; // in Navigation Class
Navigation.instance.introPlayButtonClick(); // in Intro Class

现在看来,我不这样做的最好的还是纯粹的办法 OOP (可以在这里感受到的辩论),所以我冒充这个问题第2时间得到这个的希望想出正确。

Now it seems I'm not doing this in the best or purist way for OOP(can sense debate here), so I'm posing this question a 2nd time in hopes of getting this figured out correctly.


I have 2 Classes, Intro and Navigation. There is a button created in the Intro class that needs call a function inside of the Navigation Class. I also have a CustomEvent class where I setup Custom Events. Below is the code, I've stripped out all of the unessential code relating to this problem.


When the function clicked is called, it dispatches an Event that the Navigation class is listening for.

package src.display
import flash.events.*;
 import flash.display.*;

 // ☼ --- Imported Classes
 import src.events.CustomEvent;
 import src.model.Navigation;

 public class Intro extends Sprite 
  private var playBtn:MovieClip;
  private var colorTransform:ColorTransform;

  // ☼ --- Constructor
  public function Intro():void 
      this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);

  // ☼ --- Init
  public function init(event:Event):void 
      this.removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);

  public function draw():void 
      playBtn = new PlayThumb;
      playBtn.buttonMode = true;   
      playBtn.x = 552;   
      playBtn.y = 289;
      playBtn.alpha = 1;

      // ☼ --- add button 

      // ☼ --- button listeners
      playBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, clicked);
  // ☼ --- My Old Function
  /*private function clicked(e:MouseEvent):void 
      Navigation.instance.introPlayButtonClick(); // Open tab1
  // ♦♦♦ Added to dispatch Event to JStriedl's function ♦♦♦
  private function clicked(e:MouseEvent):void 
      dispatchEvent (new CustomEvent(CustomEvent.INTRO_CLICKED, {}));
      trace("Dispatch Event INTRO_CLICKED");



Navigation Class

This is the Navigation Class which contains a function that the Intro Class needs to be able to call.

package src.model 
import flash.events.*;
import flash.display.*;

// ☼ ---Imported  Classes
import src.display.Intro;
import src.model.Fonts;
import src.events.CustomEvent;

public class Navigation extends MovieClip //Needs MovieClip
    public var intro:Intro;
    public static var instance:Navigation;

    // ☼ --- Constructor
public function Navigation()
    this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);

// ☼ --- Init
public function init():void
    instance = this;  
    intro = new Intro;
    this.removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);

// ♦♦♦ JStriedl's code ♦♦♦
public function attachListenerForIntro(introToCheckForClick:Intro)
    intro = introToCheckForClick;
    intro.addEventListener("introClicked", introPlayButtonClick);

// Function that button in Intro needs to call
public function introPlayButtonClick(e:CustomEvent):void
    trace("Navigation function called from Intro");
    intro.removeEventListener("introClicked", introPlayButtonClick);



Issues or Errors

So far when the button is clicked nothing happens :( I'm assuming I don't have the EventListener setup correctly inside of the Navigation Class?


Errr ..我能想到的是扩大你的介绍类导航类,以便使其正常工作的唯一方法。

Errr.. the only way I could think is extending your Intro class to the Navigation class in order for this to work properly.


public class Intro extends Navigation {}


10-23 11:14