


I'm attempting to save a thumbnail of a mapview when a user taps save when an annotation has been selected. The problem occurs when the user has not zoomed in on that annotation yet, so the close zoom level has not been loaded.


This is what I'm doing after the user taps save:

  1. 将bool保存设置为true

  2. 居中并放大注释(无动画)

  3. 调用mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap委托方法时,如果保存为真:

  4. 在视图外创建UIImage,并且保存。关闭模态视图。

  1. Set a bool "saving" to true
  2. Center and zoom in on the annotation (no animation)
  3. When the mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap delegate method gets called, and if saving is true:
  4. Create an UIImage out of the view, and save it. Dismiss modal view.


However when the image is saved, and the view is dismissed the result image saved actually has not finished loading, as I still see an unloaded map with gridlines as shown below:


My question is, how can I ensure the map is finished loading AND finished displaying before I save this thumbnail?



Update: iOS7 has a new delegate which may have fixed this problem. I have not confirmed one way or the other yet.

- (void)mapViewDidFinishRenderingMap:(MKMapView *)mapView fullyRendered:(BOOL)fullyRendered 

Pre iOS6支持:

Pre iOS6 support:

mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap :似乎是。我注意到它有时根本不被调用,特别是如果地图图块已经被缓存,有时它被多次调用。

mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap: appears to be unreliable. I notice that it is sometimes not called at all, especially if the map tiles are already cached, and sometimes it is called multiple times.


I notice that when it is called multiple times the last call will render correctly. So I think you can get this to work if you set up a 2 second timer after the user taps save. Disable interactions so that nothing else can happen, and enable user interactions when the timer goes.

如果 mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap 被调用,将来再次重置计时器2秒钟。当计时器最终关闭时,获取地图的快照,它应该是正确的。

If mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap gets called reset the timer again for 2 seconds in the future. When the timer finally goes off, get the snapshot of the map and it should be correct.

您还需要考虑其他回调,例如 mapViewDidFailLoadingMap 。还要在嘈杂的连接上测试它,因为如果需要很长时间来获取磁贴,2秒可能不够长。

You will also want to consider the other callbacks such as mapViewDidFailLoadingMap. Also test this on a noisy connection, since 2 seconds may not be long enough if it takes a long time to fetch the tiles.

- (void)restartTimer
    [self.finishLoadingTimer invalidate];
    self.finishLoadingTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:2.0

- (void)userClickedSave
    assert(self.saving == NO);
    if (self.saving == NO) {
        self.saving = YES;
        assert(self.finishLoadingTimer == nil);
        self.view.userInteractionEnabled = NO;
        [self restartTimer];

- (void)mapLoadingIsFinished
    self.finishLoadingTimer = nil;
    [self doSnapshotSequence];
    self.saving = NO;
    self.view.userInteractionEnabled = YES;

- (void)mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap:(MKMapView *)mapView
    if (self.saving) {
        [self restartTimer];


10-23 17:11