

我的浏览器中正在运行一个Chrome扩展程序.我也有一个Mac OSX应用程序,是我用Xcode在Swift/Objective-c中编写的.我想知道这个Chrome扩展程序如何与同一台计算机上的Mac OSX应用程序通信.

I have a chrome extension running in my browser. I also have a Mac OSX app I wrote in Swift/Objective-c in Xcode. I am wondering how this chrome extension can talk to the Mac OSX app on the same computer.


I am aware of the Chrome Extension API, but do not know how I can capture the information from that is sent by Chrome in Swift. Does anyone know how to do this?




There are two broad approaches you can take.

  1. 本地消息API .这确实有一个限制,即Chrome必须启动该进程(并通过STDIO与之通信)-您无法附加到现有进程.好处-沟通渠道非常安全.

  1. Native Messaging API. This does have the limitation that Chrome must launch the process (and communicate to it via STDIO) - you cannot attach to an existing process. The upside - the communication channel is pretty secure.


Your native app can expose a web server (or better yet, a WebSockets server) on a local port. The extension can then try to connect to this port and talk to your app. The downside is that anything (at least on the machine) can connect to your native app.


This is a frequently used approach; for example, 1Password or various IDE integrations work this way.


You could combine the two approaches to launch the app with a "launcher" Native Host if it's not running.


10-23 18:34