


I want to get index and column name of every cell in the Pandas data frame.


For example, in data frame generated from the code below

df = pd.DataFrame({1 : np.arange(1, 6), 
               2 : np.arange(6, 11),
               3 : np.arange(11, 16),
               4 : np.arange(16, 21),
               5 : np.arange(21, 26)}, 
              index=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5])


I want to access an index/column name combination of value's row index and value's column name such as [1,1] for 1, [2,1] for 2, [3,1] for 3 etc...


Ultimate goal is to update every value in the data frame based on its position within the data frame with df.apply(). Index and column names (equivalent and ordered identifiers in n x n data frame) are needed to pull values from another data frame.



我建议使用自己的函数来做到这一点。您可以使用类似dict的表示法访问数据框的每一列。除了通过访问所需的索引/行获取所需的元素,我将使用 .ix ,如下所示

I would suggest using a own function for doing that. You can access each column of the dataframe by using the dict-like notation. In addition to get the desired element by accessing the needed index/row I would use .ix as shown below

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({1 : np.arange(1, 6), 
               2 : np.arange(6, 11),
               3 : np.arange(11, 16),
               4 : np.arange(16, 21),
               5 : np.arange(21, 26)}, 
              index=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

def get_from_coords(df, x, y):
    return df[x].ix[y]


In [2]: get_from_coords(df, 2, 1)
Out[2]: 6


I am iterating through all the rows of the dataframe using .itertuples() which is faster than .iterrows() and looking for the desired entry/value. If the value is found in the row a tuple containing the index and column name is stored to a list which is returned at the end. I provided a kind of step-by-step solution in the first function and a one-liner using a generator in list comprehension.


假设我们要查找所有值 6 并将其替换为 66

Let's say we want to find all values 6 and replace them with 66:

for item in look_using_generator(df, 6):
    df[item[0]].ix[item[1]] = 66


10-24 17:01