


Can anyone tell me why I can't access the registry key of "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData"?

如果我查询 GetSubKeysNames HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft \Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer它只返回一个值是安全 ---->在哪里是所有其他子项?

if I query the GetSubKeysNames of "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer" it only returns one value being "Secure" ----> Where are all the other subkeys?




High odds that you are running your program on the 64-bit version of Windows and it is forced to run in 32-bit mode. The registry redirector will make you actually read the keys in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node. And yes, that one also has a Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer key but it is pretty empty. Use Regedit.exe to compare.

最简单的解决方法是删除该强迫。项目+属性,构建选项卡,设置目标平台设置值为anycpu。如果你有VS2012和高达然后取消勾选首选32位选项。重复发布配置。如果你的必须的在32位模式下,你可以使用.NET 4+ RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey()方法,传递RegistryView.Registry64运行。

The simplest fix is to remove the forcing. Project + Properties, Build tab, set the Target platform setting to AnyCPU. If you have VS2012 and up then untick the "Prefer 32-bit" option. Repeat for the Release configuration. If you must run in 32-bit mode then you can use the .NET 4+ RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey() method, passing RegistryView.Registry64.


10-24 17:47