


I am looking for a way to expand a logical expression (in a string) of the form:


'(A or B) and ((C and D) or E)'


in Python to produce a list of all positive sets, i.e.

['A and C and D',
'A and E',
'B and C and D',
'B and E']


but I have been unable to find how to do this. I have investigated pyparser, but I cannot work out which example is relevant in this case. This may be very easy with some sort of logic manipulation but I do not know any formal logic. Any help, or a reference to a resource that might help would be greatly appreciated.


这是pyparsing位,摘自示例 SimpleBool.py .首先,使用infixNotation(以前称为operatorPrecedence)定义一个表达式语法,该语法支持括号分组并识别运算的优先级:

Here's the pyparsing bit, taken from the example SimpleBool.py. First, use infixNotation (formerly known as operatorPrecedence) to define an expression grammar that supports parenthetical grouping, and recognizes precedence of operations:

from pyparsing import *

term = Word(alphas)

AND = Keyword("and")
OR = Keyword("or")

expr = infixNotation(term,
    (AND, 2, opAssoc.LEFT),
    (OR, 2, opAssoc.LEFT),

sample = '(A or B) and ((C and D) or E)'

result = expr.parseString(sample)

from pprint import pprint


[[['A', 'or', 'B'], 'and', [['C', 'and', 'D'], 'or', 'E']]]


From this, we can see that the expression is at least parsed properly.


Next, we add parse actions to each level of the hierarchy of operations. For parse actions here, we actually pass classes, so that instead of executing functions and returning some value, the parser will call the class constructor and initializer and return a class instance for the particular subexpression:

class Operation(object):
    def __init__(self, tokens):
        self._tokens = tokens[0]

    def assign(self):
        function to copy tokens to object attributes

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__class__.__name__ + ":" + repr(self.__dict__)
    __str__ = __repr__

class BinOp(Operation):
    def assign(self):
        self.op = self._tokens[1]
        self.terms = self._tokens[0::2]
        del self._tokens

class AndOp(BinOp):

class OrOp(BinOp):

expr = infixNotation(term,
    (AND, 2, opAssoc.LEFT, AndOp),
    (OR, 2, opAssoc.LEFT, OrOp),

sample = '(A or B) and ((C and D) or E)'

result = expr.parseString(sample)


[AndOp:{'terms': [OrOp:{'terms': ['A', 'B'], 'op': 'or'}, 
                   OrOp:{'terms': [AndOp:{'terms': ['C', 'D'], 
                                    'op': 'and'}, 'E'], 'op': 'or'}],
'op': 'and'}]

现在,表达式已转换为子表达式的数据结构,我将其留给您来完成将方法添加到AndOp和OrOp的工作,以生成将整体评估为True的各种术语组合. (请查看 invregex.py 示例中的逻辑可以颠倒正则表达式,以获取有关如何将生成器函数添加到已解析的类以生成所需术语的不同组合的想法.)

Now that the expression has been converted to a data structure of subexpressions, I leave it to you to do the work of adding methods to AndOp and OrOp to generate the various combinations of terms that will evaluate overall to True. (Look at the logic in the invregex.py example that inverts regular expressions for ideas on how to add generator functions to the parsed classes to generate the different combinations of terms that you want.)


10-25 09:32