本文介绍了Excel Calculation Services-工作簿缓存的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



我们有SharePoint 2013,我们有两台运行Excel Calculation Services的服务器.我们尚未自定义缓存位置,因此它使用系统驱动器上的默认Temp位置.我的问题是-当我们在两台计算机上都运行该服务时, 工作簿缓存是否应同时存储在两台计算机上?工作簿缓存大小设置为默认设置,该设置将占用40 GB.一旦填满,用户将无法再打开工作簿.是否有有助于我们清除的配置设置 旧的缓存以释放空间,例如跟踪日志设置?附带说明一下,我们使用Workbook URL作为负载平衡选项.



Hi everyone,

We have SharePoint 2013 and we have two servers running Excel Calculation Services. We haven't customized the cache location, so its using the default Temp location on the system drive. My question is - as we are running the service on both the machines, should the workbook cache be stored on both the machines? The workbook cache size is set to default settings that will take 40 GB. Once this fills up, the users are unable to open the workbooks any more. Is there a configuration setting that will help us clearing the old cache to free up the space, like the trace logs settings ? On a side note, we are using Workbook URL as the load balancing option. 

Thank you for any contributions you make.


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10-26 20:26