


i'm trying to write in text file sentences that contains Arabic and English but the problem that both languages have direction RTL and LTR so the output text file don't save the order of the words and some words come before each other that is wrong, the problem fixed when i change the text direction from the notepad or any text editor, is there any way to fix this using java?


正如我在您对上一个问题的评论中所解释的那样,Unicode文本文件按逻辑顺序存储字符。 有关如何处理双向文本,以及控制可插入到双向文本中的字符的方法。例如,当您在英语句子中间有阿拉伯语引号时,文本流可以向渲染器提供有关附加标点符号的提示。

As I explained in my comment on your previous question, Unicode text files store the characters in logical order. There is a documented algorithm for how to handle bidirectional text, and control characters you can insert into the text stream to give hints to the renderer about, for example, where to attach punctuation when you have an Arabic quotation in the middle of an English sentence.

但最终选择整个文本的顶级主导方向的问题是显示文本的组件而不是文本本身可以控制的内容 - 渲染器必须决定它是否是处理包含一些阿拉伯语的大部分英语段落,反之亦然。

But ultimately the choice of the top-level "predominant" direction of the text as a whole is a matter for the component that is displaying the text rather than something that the text itself can control - the renderer has to decide whether it's dealing with a mostly-English paragraph containing some bits of Arabic or vice-versa.


For example, suppose I have a file containing the following logical sequence of characters (in line with the conventions in the bidi algorithm spec I use lowercase for left-to-right characters such as English and UPPERCASE for right-to-left characters such as Arabic):

abc def GHI! JKL mno? PQR


A viewer configured to treat the text as predominantly LTR would render this as

abc def LKJ !IHG mno? RQP

而配置为将其视为主要RTL的查看器将呈现完全相同的文本 as

whereas a viewer configured to treat it as predominantly RTL would render exactly the same text as

                                      RQP ?mno LKJ !IHG abc def


(in the absence of control characters to the contrary the punctuation that lies at the boundary between a LTR and RTL segment will attach to the one that matches the overall paragraph direction)


10-27 04:41