


With the following problem I got stuck now for days. My use case is that I have a database with millions of addresses. From an web-application I would like to search them, display a list of resuls and later display information about a single address. One important goal is, to represent the search criteria as part of the URL. That way users can go back to previous searches or even construct the search by manipulating the URL. So I would like to have a URL like this:


我不设法设置路由器来处理这些URL 。所有的一切尝试结束在一个死胡同。如何使ember进入/ searchresults路由,以及如何使用RESTAdapter将其过滤出来?

I don't manage to setup the router to process these kind of URLs. All a tried ended in a dead end. How to make ember go into the /searchresults route and how to have it forward those filter criterias using the RESTAdapter?



Based on the answer from intuitivepixel I came up with the following solution.


I construct the following URL: http://somedomain.com/#/searchresults/?lastname=king&firstname=stephen&city=somecity


The way how this URL is contructed is not described here. In my case I use a my own view with a form and some event handlers.


The code that I got working looks like this:

App.Router.map(function() {
    this.resource("searchresults", { path: '/searchresults/:dynamic' });

App.SearchresultsRoute = Ember.Route.extend((function() {
    var deserializeQueryString = function (queryString) {
        if(queryString.charAt(0) === "?")
            queryString = queryString.substr(1);

        var vars = queryString.split('&'),
            i = 0, length = vars.length,
            outputObj = {};

        for (; i < length; i++) {
            var pair = vars[i].split('=');
            outputObj[decodeURIComponent(pair[0])] = decodeURIComponent(pair[1]);
        return outputObj;

    return {
          model: function(param) {
            var paramObj = deserializeQueryString(param.dynamic);
            return App.Searchresult.find(paramObj);

App.Store = DS.Store.extend({
    revision: 12,
    adapter: DS.RESTAdapter.create({
        namespace: 'api'

App.Searchresult = DS.Model.extend({
    lastname: DS.attr('string'),
    firstname: DS.attr('string'),
    street: DS.attr('string'),
    hno: DS.attr('string'),
    zip: DS.attr('string'),
    city: DS.attr('string'),
    country: DS.attr('string'),
    birthdate: DS.attr('string')


This generates an HTTP GET request to my REST API:



My REST API responds with:

    [{"id":"2367507","lastname":"King","firstname":"Stephen","street":"Mainstreet.","hno":"21" ...},
     {"id":"3222409","lastname":"King","firstname":"Stephen","street":"Broadway","hno":"35" ...}


And this then gets visualized with this template:

            <th>Street / Hno</th>
    {{#each item in controller}}
            <td>{{item.firstname}} {{item.lastname}}</td>
            <td>{{item.street}} {{item.hno}}</td>
            <td>{{item.zip}} {{item.city}}</td>

如果有人找到一个更优雅的方式,那不需要使用自定义的解串器,我会很高兴更新解决方案。 (另一方)提供的答案建议对于我的情况来说不是对的,因为在我需要的解决方案中,我有超过10种不同的搜索条件/过滤器。用户通常只选择填写其中的一些。

If somebody finds a more elegant way, that does not require to use a custom deserializer, I will be glad to update the solution. The answer provided by (the other) Daniel that suggests http://somedomain.com/#/searchresults/king/stephen/somecity is not parctial for my case, since in the solution that I need, I have more than 10 different search criterias / filters. Users usually only choose to fill a few of them.

这个例子基于ember-data revision:12和Ember 1.0.0-RC.3

This examples base on ember-data revision: 12 and Ember 1.0.0-RC.3


10-27 19:18